Measure Asteroid Angular Shift

Note: use a mouse instead of a trackpad or touchscreen to limit frustration while using Afterglow. 

Click “Next” above to see the step-by-step instructions.

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Alternate Format: Written Instructions

  1. Load our two images of the asteroid you have been directed to load.
    • One is from a telescope in Chile. One is from a different telescope.
    • Confirm that the two images were taken within 20 seconds of each other.
  2. Align our two images of the asteroid (one from each telescope)
    • Click on the “Show Aligner” icon in the lower right.
      • Select Images to Align: select both images in the dropdown menu.
      • Reference Image File: select one image (either one, it doesn’t matter which).
      • Leave all the other settings on default.
      • Click Submit
      • Where to click in Afterglow.
  3. Stack our two images.
    • Click on “Show Stacker” icon in the lower right.
      • Select Images to Stack: select both images in the dropdown menu
      • Mode: average
      • Rejection: none
      • Leave all the other settings on default.
      • Click Submit
      • Where to click in Afterglow.
  4. Select the new image to display in Afterglow
    • Zoom in very close on the asteroid in the new image. It will look oblong.
    • Adjust the Display settings until you can see two points of light for the asteroid.
      • This is the same asteroid, but it shows up twice because it is seen from two different angles (telescopes).
  5. Measure the angular distance between the asteroid’s two positions
    • Plotter tool on the right
    • Centroid clicks on
    • Click on one image of the asteroid, then the other.
    • Record the measurement in arcseconds in your assignment.
    • Where to click in Afterglow.
  6. Save the image with the measured distance
    • Click the camera icon just below each of the two images to download the jpg files.
    • These files should have the markers visible.
    • Insert the images into your assignment
    • Where to click in Afterglow.

Media Attributions

  • skynet aligner
  • skynet stacker
  • skynet measure angular separation
  • skynet download image


Skynet and Afterglow User Manual - Astro 100 - Enevoldsen Copyright © by Alice Enevoldsen. All Rights Reserved.

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