Solar System Model Calculator

Step-by-Step tool instructions

Click “Next” above to see the step-by-step instructions.

Written Instructions

    • Choose a scale by choosing: Pluto — Distance from the Sun — [the distance you want to walk] — miles
      • Drop down menus display: Pluto, Distance from Sun = 2 miles
    • Check the “map” checkbox and enter the latitude and longitude of where you would like to start. I use to find latitude and longitude based on an address.
      • Click Calculate, and scroll back down to the map.
      • Map checkbox is checked. Latitude is 46.585230. Longitude is -120.530340
    • Take that map on a walk with you!
    • As you get to the place where each planet would be, look up how big that planet would be at that location.
    • Take a picture at every planet (including Ceres and Pluto)
    • You may also write on a map to annotate your walk, but you must include photos.
    • Upload the images and annotated map of your walk here.

Video Instructions

Captions are updated.

Media Attributions

  • Scale of Walk
  • Map with lat long


Skynet and Afterglow User Manual - Astro 100 - Enevoldsen Copyright © by Alice Enevoldsen. All Rights Reserved.

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