
Welcome to OER Coffee Breaks


OER Coffee Break text on a notepad, alongside a cup of coffee, pens, and laptop


Created for Tacoma Community College faculty and staff, these shorter, practical lessons and activities focus on basic aspects of OER to engage in at your leisure while enjoying a coffee break (or tea, water, kombucha… equal opportunity beverage!). If you’re wondering what “OER” is, why it matters, & how it may impact you and your work, then this series is for you! These self-paced lessons and activities serve as an introduction to open educational resources (OER), as well as provide an opportunity for further exploration and discovery of OER and open education practices. Throughout, there are opportunities for you to test your knowledge and further explore a concept. The materials encourage you to learn at your own pace.


These lessons include a mix of materials — text, multimedia, and interactive elements — and follow the following general format:

  • watch,
  • read, and
  • review with a self-check activity.

The self-check activities provide you with immediate automatic feedback to confirm understanding of the material.


Upon completion of the these OER lessons and activities, you should be able to:

  • Define Open Educational Resources
  • Explain the rationale for OER adoption and use
  • Explain the differences between the six currently available Creative Commons licenses
  • Identify repositories and other resources for finding relevant OER
  • Use tools and criteria to evaluate OER
  • Recognize steps and associated criteria for adapting and creating OER with proper attribution and licensing
  • Create an open educational resource
  • Recognize different college policies and state legislation relating to OER

Attributions & Acknowledgements

The OER Coffee Break series has original content and adaptations by Jennifer Snoek-Brown, OER Librarian, Tacoma Community College, and is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

External sources used and adapted in this series include:


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

OER Coffee Breaks Copyright © 2024 by Jennifer Snoek-Brown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.