
17 Primary Sources: Ancient East Asia

Primary Sources
China — Politics and Society

The Book of Songs on the Mandate of Heaven

Selections from the Shu Jing (The Classic of History, 6th century BCE) on the Mandate of Heaven

Sima Qian, The Records of the Grand Historian

Two Biographies and Autobiographical Excerpt

The Legalist Polices of the Qin

Fu Xuan: Poem on Woman c. 3rd, Century CE

The Tale of Mulan, the Maiden Chief c. 502-556 CE


China — Philosophy and Religion


Confucius, The Analects (excerpts)

Excerpts on Humanity, Propriety, Governance, and Rites

Some General Selections on Filial Piety and Humaneness [PDF]

On Government [PDF]

Confucius, The Great Learning

Mencius/Mengzi, Selections from the Mencius

Xunzi/Hsun-tzu: Selections from the Xunzi

Ban Zhao (Pan Chao): Lessons for A Woman: The Views of A Female Confucian, c. 80 CE



Laozi , Daodejing, (selections)

Zhuangzi/Chuang tzu (4th century BCE)

Story of Three Friends

Selections from the Zhuangzi


Legalism and Sun Tzu

Han Fei Tzu  (d. 233 BCE): Selections from the Writings of Han Fei. c. 230 BCE

Sunzi (Sun Tzu), The Art of War (excerpts)


Buddhism in East Asia

The Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters, c. 67 CE.

Extract from the Lotus Sutra: The Nature of the Buddha

Extract from the Lotus Sutra: On Faith


Japan, Korean, Viet Nam, and Elsewhere

Chinese Accounts of Rome, Byzantium, and the Middle East, c. 91 B.CE – 1643 C.E

Iryôn’s Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk yusa): The Tangun Legend [PDF] (legend of events of c. 2333 BCE)

Shotoku’s Constitution

Excerpts from The Complete Compilation of the Collected Writings about the Departed Spirits of the Viêt Realm: Sovereigns, The Tru’ng Sisters [PDF], ca. 39-43 CE.

Si Vuong (137-226 CE): Si Vuong (Shi Xie) [PDF]






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