
Appendix: Terms of Use

Dr. Anne Tuominen

For Cascadia College’s Pressbooks platform, 6/1/2022

(See also Chapter on How to Use Cascadia’s Pressbooks and Terms of Use in Part 3.)


  1. The Cascadia Pressbooks publishing platform is intended primarily for publishing adopted, adapted, or originally created open educational content for use in Cascadia courses. This kind of content is commonly called Open Educational Resources (OER) and is commonly licensed under Creative Commons licenses (see below). (If users wish to work on content that is not intended to be open or not affiliated with Cascadia, individuals are encouraged to purchase an individual Pressbooks or other subscription.)
  2. Publishing content on the Cascadia Pressbooks platform is intended for current Cascadia faculty and staff, and Cascadia students working under the supervision of faculty and staff. Content co-created with people outside Cascadia is permitted so long as the content is intended (also) for Cascadia use. Permissions to work in the Pressbooks tool collaboratively though require Cascadia sign-on privileges and the collaborative work may need to be done outside of Pressbooks. (Contact your Dean to confirm any outside collaboration.)
  3. Cascadia users agree to upload and publish only content that is created by them, or comes from third parties whose content they have verified is open for adoption or adaption under a Creative Commons license (or analogous license) or because it exists in the public domain. If Cascadia users want to use content with unclear reuse status, users are responsible for determining whether or not their use is permissible under the Fair Use standards of copyright law, or they can seek permission from the copyright owner. [See Part 1 of Cascadia’s Guide to Pressbooks for more guidance or consult the campus library.] If a faculty, staff, or student faces litigation over copyright infringement they should not assume the College will defend them or be responsible for judgments for any potential copyright violation(s).
  4. Cascadia users publishing content on Pressbooks will also:
    • Assign a Creative Commons (CC) license to any content published using the Cascadia Pressbooks account (unless specifically cleared by the Deans or VPSLS). The Creative Commons offers a range of options from relatively restricted to designating the Content as being in the Public Domain. [See Parts 1 and 2 in Cascadia’s Guide to Pressbooks for guidance around copyrights and choosing a CC license for the published works.]
    • Cite or attribute appropriately.  For copyrighted works used in the publication, users will follow the citation formats and expectations of their academic discipline. For open works, users will include open license attributions to clearly show when such works are being adopted or adapted.
    • Ensure the accessibility of their published works: Pressbooks Accessibility Guidance and UW IT Accessibility Checklist.
    • Protect the appropriate anonymity of students if students have opted out of public use of their likenesses or public identification of their work. [If they don’t want their photos or names included, then do not use them.]
    • Use other tools for storage of content related or linked to the publication. Be mindful of storage size. Pressbooks is a publishing tool for a book and is not a repository or archive like a learning management system (Canvas) or video recording and storage system (Panopto). That said, the storage capacity is fairly generous and there are no specific limits on how big a published work might be. It might range from a 50-200 MB handbook to a 2 GB interactive textbook. (To see examples of book sizes for a particular discipline or pedagogical model, see the PB directory: https://pressbooks.directory/. Each book card lists how many megabytes each book is, and on the left-hand side, you can filter by storage too. Learning Technologies and Design can also help with questions about storage size or storage solutions for other content.
    • Link their materials in the Cascadia College Pressbook catalog to “cascadia”. Similarly, as noted in the Purpose section above, all materials by OPEN Washington account subscribers will also be linked within the OPEN Washington catalog.
Note: As with obsolete, inactive content or content produced by former employees that must be cleared periodically from learning management systems or video storage systems, it may become necessary at some point to remove inactive content from the active Pressbooks catalog.  If and when it becomes necessary, the plan for doing so and recommendations for how to preserve the content elsewhere will be clearly communicated to faculty and staff well in advance. Similarly, if the Pressbooks account is discontinued for any reason, a plan will be communicated for how to preserve the content before the discontinuation.)

The Cascadia College Guide to Pressbooks and the Terms of Use above are subject to change at any time. Visit this page again before starting a new project. Contact Learning Technologies and Design (elhelp@cascadia.edu) with questions regarding the terms.

For questions about how to use Pressbooks, see Pressbooks’ own guide: https://guide.pressbooks.com/


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Appendix: Terms of Use Copyright © 2021 by Dr. Anne Tuominen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.