6 Copyrighted Materials in OER

Chapter Purpose

This chapter explains how copyrighted works might be used in Open licensed materials and provides resources on how copyright applies on our campus.

Copyright in Open licensed works

Reminder! Any time an original work is created in a fixed, tangible medium of expression it gains a copyright. The creator of that content, whether it’s a visual, audio, or text-based work is known legally as the “author.” The video featuring Cable Green in the chapter Introduction to Open Licensing succinctly explains this.  When using this Pressbooks platform, there are opportunities for you to incorporate another author’s work. You must make sure you do so legally. See Copyright.gov for more info.


When using this platform, you must adhere to copyright law, which means content you use must be either:

  • Your own original work
  • Material that is openly licensed (or in some way clearly marked with permission to retain and share), or in the public domain
  • Material protected by copyright that you have gained permission to use, and that permission is clear and in writing; or, material protected by copyright for which your use falls under a specific legal exemption (such as fair use).  In those cases, citations are expected as well.

While using copyrighted works or ideas may be allowable in open licensed works, with OER, it is better to source content from openly licensed material because then the content you produce may be easily shared, adopted or adapted.  That’s the point of open licensing!

Useful FAQ about copyright from Tulsa Community College

Copyright on our campus and our Pressbooks User agreement

If  you have questions about copyright specifically related to our campus, see our campus library’s Copyright Resource Site  for more information. Our campus librarians may be able to help you research the copyright status of a work and point you to guidelines about seeking permissions.

In Part 3, you may also review a brief section on copyright in the chapter outlining How to Use Cascadia Pressbooks and the Terms of Use Agreement.



This chapter is an adaptation of, and is used under the noted license:

Getting Started with Pressbooks at TCC by TCC OER Librarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Cascadia's Guide to Pressbooks Copyright © 2021 by Cascadia College Learning Technologies & Design Team and cascadia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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