
1 What Is Pressbooks?

Chapter Purpose

This chapter introduces the Pressbooks publishing platform as a tool that may be used for creating open educational content.

What is Pressbooks?

This book (or website, depending on how you are reading) is an actual example of an open-sourced book built in Pressbooks!  Pressbooks is an authoring tool used by colleges and universities, or really anyone, to write and publish mainly openly-licensed books and course content.  With Pressbooks, you may adopt or adapt previously existing open educational materials, or create your own openly licensed educational materials from original works.  In the case of this book, we created it by cloning an existing openly-licensed book that was written for readers in a different college system.  It was written to help those readers understand how they might use Pressbooks in their specific campus context, and the attribution for that book is in the Attribution section of this book. Because of that book’s open license and its existence in the Pressbooks catalog, we at Cascadia College have been able to clone it and customize it to suit our campus.

This kind of open use is exactly the point of Open Educational Resources, where content may be shared freely, openly and where content may be added to, or subtracted from in order to create something new and appropriate, in this case, for Pressbook users on our campus. More on that in the chapters that follow.

The short (3:18) video below goes into a bit more detail and invites you to think about how you might use Pressbooks.  Watch the video and see if you can identify a feature that was added to it to enhance engagement.


Example of Pressbooks feature

Did you notice that the video above had an embedded quiz element?  That is an example of H5P content that you can create.   There are over 50 different H5P codes you can build and embed into your book to help readers engage more deeply with the content.


This chapter is an adaptation of, and is used under the noted license:

Getting Started with Pressbooks at TCC by TCC OER Librarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Cascadia's Guide to Pressbooks Copyright © 2021 by Cascadia College Learning Technologies & Design Team and cascadia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.