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17 results
Seattle Colleges District
CE Student Voices--The Best of Freelance Writing Winter 2023 book cover

CE Student Voices--The Best of Freelance Writing Winter 2023

All Rights Reserved   English

Author(s): Karla Petersen, Lilach Grimminger, Jeffrey Muir, Marla Skartvedt, Christine Dubois

Editor(s): Christine Dubois

Subject(s): The Arts

Institution(s): North Seattle College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 10/02/2025

This book is a collection of writing from students in Freelance Writing for Fun & Profit, a Continuing Education course at North Seattle College.
CE Student Voices--the Best of Short Memoir Spring 2023 book cover

CE Student Voices--the Best of Short Memoir Spring 2023

All Rights Reserved   English

Author(s): Christine Dubois, Ajita Shukla, Arlene Springer, Patrica Cleary, Rick Talbot, Sophia Pollock, Susan Parke, Wally Gutierrez

Editor(s): Christine Dubois

Subject(s): The Arts

Institution(s): North Seattle College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 10/02/2025

This book is a collection of writing from students in Writing a Short Memoir, a Continuing Education course at North Seattle College.
Civilization and Education book cover

Civilization and Education

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): robertbunge

Institution(s): Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 02/01/2025

Cloud Code Camp book cover

Cloud Code Camp

All Rights Reserved   English

Author(s): robertbunge

Subject(s): The Arts

Institution(s): North Seattle College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 09/01/2025

Early British Literature Anthology: Anglo-Saxon Period to Eighteenth Century book cover

Early British Literature Anthology: Anglo-Saxon Period to Eighteenth Century

CC BY (Attribution)  5 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Edited by Rebecca Brown, Joy Pasini, Ph.D.

Subject(s): Anthologies: general, Biography, Literature and Literary studies

Institution(s): North Seattle College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 10/02/2025

This is a cloned anthology of early British literary texts. The contents range from the anonymous epic poem Beowulf to Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear and onward to excerpts from Fanny Burney's novel Evelina and Aphra Behn's Oroonoko. Several chapters are currently undergoing design transformations in the hopes of making them more interactive for readers.
General Psychology book cover

General Psychology

CC BY (Attribution)  509 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): OpenStax, Lumen Learning

Subject(s): Psychology

Institution(s): Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 06/01/2025

Provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of psychology and understand how those concepts apply to their lives. A comprehensive coverage of core concepts is grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research, including coverage of the DSM-5 in discussions of psychological disorders. Incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

International Taxation Concepts book cover

International Taxation Concepts

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Alpha Lewis, Dr. Fang Lin, Elizabeth Pulos, jpursley, Bettina Berch, Guillermo C. Jimenez, Dr. Kevin Bracker, mobleyj, Samantha Prince

Editor(s): mobleyj

Subject(s): The Arts, Economics, Finance, Business and Management, Public finance and taxation

Institution(s): North Seattle College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 06/01/2025

Introduction to Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World book cover

Introduction to Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  71 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): [Author removed at request of original publisher]

Editor(s): Philip Vilardo, Mari Wepprecht

Subject(s): Sociology

Institution(s): Seattle Central College, Seattle Colleges District

Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2016. This edition adapted from a work originally produced in 2010 by a publisher who has requested that it not receive attribution.

Last updated: 14/01/2025

Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World is adapted from a work produced by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative. Though the publisher has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, this adapted edition reproduces all original text and sections of the book, except for publisher and author name attribution.

The founders of sociology in the United States wanted to make a difference. A central aim of the sociologists of the Chicago school was to use sociological knowledge to achieve social reform. A related aim of sociologists like Jane Addams, W.E.B. DuBois, and Ida B. Wells-Barnett and others since was to use sociological knowledge to understand and alleviate gender, racial, and class inequality.

It is no accident that many sociology instructors and students are first drawn to sociology because they want to learn a body of knowledge that could help them make a difference in the world at large. Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World is designed for this audience. It presents a sociological understanding of society but also a sociological perspective on how to change society, while maintaining the structure and contents of the best mainstream texts.

Several pedagogical features of the book convey the sociological perspective and change theme:

Almost every chapter begins with a Social Issues in the News story from recent media coverage that recounts an event related to the chapter’s topic and proceeds with thought-provoking discussion about the social issue related to the event. Additional discussion elsewhere in the chapter helps students understand the basis for this issue and related issues. This dual treatment of the news story will help students appreciate the relevance of sociology for newsworthy events and issues.

Three types of boxes in almost every chapter reflect the U.S. founders’ emphasis on sociology and social justice. The first box, Sociology Making a Difference, discusses a social issue related to the chapter’s topic and shows how sociological insights and findings have been used, or could be used, to address the issue and achieve social reform. The second box, Learning from Other Societies, discusses the experience in another nation(s) regarding a social issue related to the chapter; this box helps students appreciate what has worked and not worked in other nations regarding the issue and thus better understand how social reform might be achieved in the United States. The third box, What Sociology Suggests, summarizes social policies grounded in sociological theory and research that hold strong potential for addressing issues discussed in the chapter.

In addition, many chapters contain tables called Theory Snapshots. These tables provide a quick reference tool for students to understand the varying theoretical approaches to the sociological topic that the chapter is discussing.

Finally, almost every chapter ends with a Using Sociology vignette that presents a hypothetical scenario concerning an issue or topic from the chapter and asks students to use the chapter’s material in a decision-making role involving social change. These vignettes help students connect the chapter’s discussion with real-life situations and, in turn, to better appreciate the relevance of sociological knowledge for social reform.

Drawing on these features and other discussion throughout the book, a brief and unique final chapter, ”Conclusion: Understanding and Changing the Social World,“ sums up what students have learned about society and themselves and reviews the relevance of sociology for achieving social change.

Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World makes sociology relevant for today’s students by balancing traditional coverage with a fresh approach that ironically takes them back to sociology’s American roots in the use of sociological knowledge for social reform.

Introduction to the U.S. Criminal Justice System book cover

Introduction to the U.S. Criminal Justice System

CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike)  18 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Kate McLean, Alison S. Burke, David Carter, Brian Fedorek, Tiffany Morey, Lore Rutz-Burri, Shanell Sanchez

Editor(s): Kayleen U Oka

Subject(s): Legal aspects of criminology

Institution(s): The Pennsylvania State University, Seattle Central College, Seattle Colleges District

Publisher: Open Oregon Educational Resources

Last updated: 14/01/2025

This book provides an overview of the criminal justice system and its primary components in the United States. Students will gain familiarity with the workings of, and relationship between, the police, courts, and both institutional and community corrections; it also spends significant time discussing the history of crime (and criminology) at the local, state, and national levels. While this book aims to give students a solid understanding of basic legal concepts and vocabulary, it will also take a socio-historical perspective that relates the evolution of US criminal justice to the contemporary structure of American society. Finally, this book is designed to support a primary research project that explores the relationship between individuals’ experiences of criminal victimization, attitudes toward firearms, and confidence in the police.

Library Reference Assistant Guidebook book cover

Library Reference Assistant Guidebook

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Alyssa Jocson Porter, Althea Lazzaro

Editor(s): Alyssa Jocson Porter

Subject(s): Library and information services, Teaching skills and techniques

Institution(s): Seattle Central College, Seattle Colleges District

Last updated: 06/01/2025