
Self-check: Digital Technology Audit

Cascadia College COLL101 Team

Your Digital Tech Audit number is 18-29?

You may benefit initially from using campus resources that offer training and support for the technology used in college courses.  These might include the campus learning and tutoring center, helpdesk/information services, and learning management system help. You can consult these also if you need to borrow hardware.  You will want to go through the Week Zero training module for the main learning management system (see your courses’ online sites for access or ask your professor).  You might also consider taking face-to-face classes initially for the face-to-face support on how to engage the digital technology and web-enhancements you may need for your classes.

Your Digital Tech Audit number is 30-42?

You seem moderately ready for the technology expectations of many college courses. If you need to borrow hardware or review how to use the learning management system, consider the Week Zero training module in your courses’ online sites or ask your professor.  You might also consider trying a hybrid class which has both face-to-face and online time.

Your Digital Tech Audit total is 43-54?

You seem quite ready for the technology expectations of many college courses today. You would probably be a good candidate for online and hybrid classes.  Seek the resources you need on campus to borrow hardware or to review how to use to technologies.


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