Book Title: Introduction to Criminal Justice
Subtitle: Washington Open ProfTech

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Book Description: Introduction to Criminal Justice in America is an essential guide that explores the history, concepts, and foundational knowledge of the contemporary criminal justice system in the United States. The textbook values examination of current events and includes coverage of some controversial topics commonly excluded from introductory texts. Institutional memory, best practices in public safety, and statistical data are incorporated in ways intended to provide an unbiased, yet unvarnished, viewpoint of the current status of the criminal legal system today.
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Book Description
“Introduction to Criminal Justice in America” is an essential guide that explores the history, concepts, and foundational knowledge of the contemporary criminal justice system in the United States. The textbook values examination of current events and includes coverage of some controversial topics commonly excluded from introductory texts. Institutional memory, best practices in public safety, and statistical data are incorporated in ways intended to provide an unbiased, yet unvarnished, viewpoint of the current status of the criminal legal system today.
Introduction to Criminal Justice Copyright © by Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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