A Case Study for Using XR to Enhance Teaching

Dr. Paul Jackson presented a local Seattle and Tacoma Black History to Bellevue College on Thursday, June 15th, 2023. This was organized on behalf of the Black Employees of Bellevue College (BEOBC) and the Black Student Union. The entire College community was invited to attend a virtual event celebrating the African American history of Seattle.

 Dr. Jackson lead the audience through an immersive journey through the notable locations that have shaped the African American narrative in the Northwest. He showcased the story of a number of artists and people who went on to change the world. Using the capabilities of Google Earth maps, Dr. Jackson utilized panoramic 360-degree pictures and bird-eye view visuals to tell his stories.

The following video is an excerpt of Dr. Jackson’s presentation to Bellevue College in February 2021 and June, 2023.



The Google Earth platform is a tool that enables seamless information sharing across various computer platforms and is accessible on the web.  Dr. Jackson currently has the Seattle African  American Tour set to public and you view a version of the presentation on your browser

Google Earth example of Dr. Jackson's Presentation



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