
H5P activities list

This book includes 509 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
81The Endocrine System: Q1-Q5Question Set
82The Endocrine System: Q6-Q8Question Set
83The Endocrine System (flashcards)Dialog Cards
84Brain Hemispheres: Q1-Q3Question Set
85Brain Hemispheres (flashcards)Dialog Cards
86Lobes of the Brain: Q1-Q6Question Set
87Lobes of the Brain: Q7-Q10Question Set
88Lobes of the Brain (flashcards)Dialog Cards
89The Limbic System and Other Brain Areas: Q1-Q5Question Set
90The Limbic System and Other Brain Areas: Q6-Q7Question Set
91The Limbic System and Other Brain Areas (flashcards)Dialog Cards
92Brain Imaging: Q1-Q6Question Set
93Brain Imaging (flashcards)Dialog Cards
94The Nature-Nurture Question: Q1-Q3Question Set
95The Nature-Nurture Question (flashcards)Dialog Cards
96Human Genetics: Q1Multiple Choice
97Human Genetics: Q2-Q4Question Set
98Human Genetics (flashcards)Dialog Cards
99Gene-Environment Interactions: Q1-Q3Question Set
100Gene-Environment Interactions (flashcards)Dialog Cards
1 3 4 5 6 7 26