
H5P activities list

This book includes 509 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
121Psychoactive Drugs and Addiction (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
122Alcohol and Other Depressants: Q1-Q3Question Set
123Alcohol and Other Depressants (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
124Stimulants: Q1-Q2Question Set
125Stimulants (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
126Opioids: Q1Multiple Choice
127Opioids (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
128Hallucinogens: Q1-Q2Question Set
129Hallucinogens: Q3-18Question Set
130Hallucinogens (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
131Hypnosis and Meditation: Q1Essay
132Hypnosis and Meditation: Q2Essay
133Hypnosis and Meditation (Flashcards)Dialog Cards
134What is Sensation?: Q1-Q3Question Set
135What is Sensation? (flashcards)Dialog Cards
136What is Perception?: Q1-Q2Question Set
137What is Perception?: Q3-Q4Question Set
138What is Perception? (flashcards)Dialog Cards
139How We See: Q1-Q10Question Set
140How We See: Q11-Q14Question Set
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