15 Glossary of Terms
UGA PEDB Program
Achievable -Ensure your goal realistic and possible to achieve.
Agility: the ability of the body to move or change direction quickly.
Aerobic Exercise: is a type of moderate intensity physical activity an individual can sustain for an extended period of time.
Anaerobic Exercise: is performed at such a high intensity, it is only done in short quick bursts.
Balance: the ability to maintain a state of equilibrium or stay in control of body movement.
Barrier – An obstacle which may hinder you from achieving your goals.
Body Composition: the percentage of stored fat in the body compared to the percentage of all other tissues.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance: the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles.
Coordination: the ability to integrate sense and body parts to perform tasks efficiently and accurately.
Fitness: a set of attributes an individual possesses or achieves that enables them to function at optimal levels and is specific to activities performed.
FITT Principle: the acronym which makes workouts more effective. The initials F.I.T.T stand for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type.
Flexibility Exercises: improve the range of motion of any given joint or series of joints.
Frequency: refers to how often you exercise.
Health-Related Components of Fitness: are important to perform at optimum levels during exercise or to be able to function efficiently on a daily basis.
Intensity: refers to how hard you exercise.
Measurable – The ability to track your progress in order to maintain motivation and achieve your goal.
Muscular Endurance: the ability of a muscle or muscle group to sustain a contraction repeatedly over a period of time.
Muscular Strength: the maximal force produced by a muscles or muscle groups against resistance.
Passive Stretching: includes the use of an external force to achieve the stretch. This could be accomplished through a partner, stretching device, or a resistance band.
Reaction Time: the amount of time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
Relevant – A goal which is meaningful and aligns with your overall plan.
Skill-Related Components of Fitness: should be considered when you are training for a more specific-related event or goal.
Specific – Ensure your goal is as detailed and concise as possible.
Speed: the ability to perform a movement quickly and rapidly.
Static Stretching: involves holding a stretch which is comfortable but challenging for a period of 10-30 seconds.
Strength Exercises: are designed to improve both muscular strength and endurance.
Time: is the duration of the exercise.
Time-bound – Having an intended date to accomplish the goal by.
Type: refers to the specific kind of exercise you do to achieve the goals you have set.