7 Instructional Design Checklist

Identify goals for textbook & create corresponding chapters

  • Goals are clearly defined, addressing the main topics to be discussed in the textbooks.
  • Goals are suitable for the introductory level textbook for post-secondary education[1] level courses.
  • There is at least one corresponding chapter for each identified textbook goal.
  • Each chapter corresponds to one or more of the identified textbook goal(s).
  • The sequence/order of the chapters progresses from fundamental chapters to more application-based chapters.

Identify objectives for chapters & create corresponding units

  • Objectives are cohesively defined in support of the main topic of the chapters.
  • There is at least one corresponding unit for each identified chapter objective.
  • Each unit corresponds to one or more chapter objectives identified.
  • Objectives are performance-based[2] composed with action-verbs.
  • The sequence/order of the units progresses from fundamental units to more application-based units.

Develop review questions aligned with chapter objectives

  • Multiple types of questions are used offering students various opportunities to practice and demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
  • Questions range from recalling-information questions to critical thinking exercises requiring students to apply and analyze information.
  • Questions are designed with consideration for fellow instructors who will be using the questions for their own classroom.
  • Questions are designed with consideration for students who wish to examine their own understanding after using the book as a self-guided study material.

Include various instructional elements

  • A variety of Instructional elements were used
    • to stimulate students with novelty, uncertainty, and surprise.
    • to help students understand what they are expected to learn and do.
    • to engage students with the course content.
    • to help students connect with future careers or real world applications.

[1] Postsecondary Education is the education level that follows the successful completion of secondary education, often referred to as high school. It includes universities and colleges, as well as trade and vocational schools.

[2] Performance-based objective is an objective reflecting what you want your students to be able to perform.



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