9 Textbook Submission 1 Guidelines


Table of Contents (TOC) & Appendices

Fill out the TOC template

  • For TOC,
    • Cohorts may work on identifying the goals of the textbook first and organize chapters accordingly. That is, if a cohort develops 5 goals for the textbook, then there would be 5 parts supporting each goal. Each part would be composed of multiple chapters. For example,
      • Part 1: Discussing Goal 1 of the textbook
        • Chapter 1
        • Chapter 2
        • Chapter 3
        • Chapter 4
      • Part 2: Discussing Goal 2 of the textbook
        • Chapter 5
        • Chapter 6
        • Chapter 7
    • If you decide to collaborate with other authors, you may do so. However, a lead author – who is ultimately responsible for delivering the chapter – needs to be identified for each chapter.
  • For Appendices
    • Identify Appendices topics that appear numerous times throughout the book. Each cohort must identify the Appendices topics as a group. For example, the Welding cohort might decide to list all welding techniques as an Appendices topic. The CJ cohort might want to list all legal cases mentioned.


Individual chapters with outlines that include:

  • Chapter overview
  • Objectives
  • Unit titles


  • Submission due: Friday, Feb 28, 2023


  • Use the template located in your cohort’s Chapter folder.
  • See Sample Chapter for scope and expectations of submission.
  • See Chapter Format from the Style Guide for reference specific to the elements required as listed above.
  • See Instructional Design Checklist as a reminder and guidance in organizing your chapter.


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Washington Open ProfTech Project Manual Copyright © by Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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