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About the Book
1.1 A (Very) Brief History of Welding
Douglas Rupik, M.Ed., JIW
1.2 How We Depend on Welded Products Every Day
1.3 Careers in the Welding Trade
1.4 Chapter Conclusion
1.5 References
2.1 Caution! Welding Can Be Hazardous To Your Health!
2.2 Welding-Specific Hazards
2.3 Surviving Welding Industry Hazards
2.4 Chapter Conclusion
2.5 References
3.1 The Case for Personal Protective Equipment
Stephanie Oostman
3.2 PPE for Eyes
3.3 PPE for Ears
3.4 PPE for Hands
3.5 PPE for Body
3.6 PPE for Feet
3.7 Air Contaminants
3.8 Protecting Yourself from Falls
3.9 Chapter Conclusion
3.10 References
4.1 Hand Tools You May Encounter on the Job
4.2 Heavy Equipment You May Encounter at the Jobsite
4.3 Machines You May Encounter in a Shop Setting
4.4 Chapter Conclusion
5.1 Welding Power
David Ridge
5.2 Welding Power Sources
5.3 Chapter Conclusion
5.4 References
6.1 Common Hand Tools
6.2 Common Power Tools and Shop Equipment
6.3 Home Shop VS Fabrication Shop
6.4 Chapter Conclusion
7.1 Equipment Used in the Construction Industry
7.2 Equipment Used in the Maritime Industry
7.3 Equipment Used in the Cross-Country Pipeline Industry
7.4 Chapter Conclusion
7.5 References
8.1 History of SMAW
8.2 SMAW Equipment and Setup
8.3 SMAW Electrodes
8.4 SMAW Operation and Welding Techniques
8.5 Chapter Conclusion
8.6 References
9.1 History of FCAW
Cameron Kjeldgaard
9.2 FCAW Equipment and Setup
9.3 FCAW Electrodes and Shielding Gas
9.4 FCAW Operation and Welding Techniques
9.5 Chapter Conclusion
9.6 References
10.1 History of GMAW
10.2 GMAW Equipment and Setup
10.3 GMAW Electrodes and Shielding Gasses
10.4 GMAW Operation and Welding Techniques
10.5 Chapter Conclusion
10.6 References
11.1 History of GTAW
Karl Fulton
11.2 GTAW Equipment and Setup
11.3 GTAW Electrodes & Filler Rods
11.4 GTAW Operation and Welding Techniques
11.5 Chapter Conclusion
11.6 References
12.1 History of OFC
12.2 OFC Gasses and Cylinders
12.3 OFC Equipment and Setup
12.4 Operation of an OFC-A System
12.5 Chapter Conclusion
12.6 References
13.1 History of CAC-A
13.2 CAC-A Equipment and Setup
13.3 Application and Techniques
13.4 Chapter Conclusion
13.5 References
14.1 The History of PAC
14.2 PAC Equipment and Setup
14.3 Operation of a PAC System
14.4 Chapter Conclusion
14.5 References
15.1 Weld Joints and Positions
15.2 Groove Welds
15.3 Fillet Welds
15.4 Plug and Slot Welds
15.5 Resistance Welds
15.6 Other Weld Types
15.7 Chapter Conclusion
15.8 References
16.1 Blueprints Overview
16.2 Lines
16.4 Dimensions
16.5 Other Elements of Blueprints
16.6 The Basic Elements of Welding Symbols
16.7 Dimensions in The Weld Symbol
16.8 NDE Symbols
16.9 Chapter Conclusion
16.10 References
17.1 History of Welding Codes
David Colameco, M.Ed.
17.2 Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) Welding Code
17.3 American Welding Society (AWS) Welding Codes
17.4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC)
17.5 American Petroleum Institute (API) Welding Standard
17.6 American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Welding Rules
17.7 American Institute of Steel Construction Welding Codes (AISC)
17.8 Government and Federal Specifications and Standards
17.9 Certification In More Than One Welding Code Or Standard
17.10 Chapter Conclusion
17.11 References
18.1 The Process of Developing a WPS
18.2 Parts of the WPS
18.3 Who uses a WPS
18.4 Chapter Conclusion
18.5 References
19.1 History of Inspecting Welds
19.2 Nondestructive Examination
19.3 Destructive Examination
19.4 Chapter Conclusion
19.5 References
20.1 History of Welding Ferrous Metals
20.2 Welding Carbon Steels
20.3 Welding Stainless Steel
20.4 Welding Chrome-Moly Steels
20.5 Welding Cast Iron and Cast Steel
20.6 Chapter Conclusion
20.7 References
21.1 History of Welding Non-Ferrous Metals
21.2 Welding Aluminum
21.3 Welding Cast Aluminum
21.4 Welding Reactive Metals
21.5 Chapter Conclusion
21.6 References
Appendix 1: Glossary
Appendix 2: Acronyms Used in This Book
Appendix 3: Professional Organizations
Appendix 4: About the Authors
American Welding Society. (2010). Standard Welding Terms and Definitions.
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Introduction to Welding Copyright © by Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.