16.8 NDE Symbols
Cameron Kjeldgaard
In many industries welds are subject to some sort of nondestructive examination to ensure their quality. Similar to welding symbols, NDE symbols are used to convey testing requirements.

Like welding symbols NDE symbols use an arrow to indicate a joint to be tested, and a reference line to hold the required information. The arrow side/other side significance of the reference line applies to NDE symbols as well, but some testing methods like x-ray or ultrasound penetrate all the way through the joint, and do not have arrow side/other side significance. The number of required tests may appear in parenthesis below (or above) the testing method.
Unlike the pictorial symbols used for welding NDE symbols us the standard abbreviation for different testing methods, the most common of which are as follows:
- VT- Visual testing or examination
- UT- Ultrasonic testing
- RT- Radiographic testing (X-ray)
- MT- Magnetic particle testing
- PT- Die penetrant testing
- ET- Eddy current testing