4.1 Common Hand Tools You May Encounter on the Job

Douglas Rupik, M.Ed., JIW

Common Hand Tools and their Functions

(see Chapter 6 for a more thorough discussion on shop tools)

A worker uses an angle grinder to grind a piece of steel. There are many sparks flying in the air.
Figure 4.1. Sparks From An Angle Grinder / Photo Credit: Pixabay, Pexels License

Probably the most common tool you will use beside your welding machine is an angle grinder. “Grinding and paint make me the welder I ain’t!” “Weld your best; grind the rest!” The jokes abound, but the truth is that electric and pneumatic angle grinders, end grinders, die grinders, and even bench grinders are indispensable tools for joint and surface preparation as well as weld cleaning and repair.

Next to a grinder are a variety of hammers chipping hammers, sledgehammers, engineer’s and shop hammers) and struck tools such as chisels, punches, stamps, and wedges. Clamps such as C-clamps, and bridge clamps, clamping pliers, and half clamps are the third category of hand tools we will discuss in this chapter. Why? Because we are discussing safety, these tools tend to cause more injuries on the job than soapstones and tape measures.

Safe Use of Welder-Specific Tools

First and foremost, only use tools in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Use the correct tool for the task. For example, a screwdriver may seem like a good chisel or pry bar; however, it may chip when hit with a hammer sending fragments into your eye or bend or break, dropping the heavy item it was supporting onto a hand or foot. Improper use of a tool may cause injury or damage to the workpiece. Do not modify or remove a tool’s guards or other safety features. Tools are designed the way that they are partially because they are the best way to get a job completed as efficiently as possible while still being safe. Even though your tool modification idea seemed clever at the time, when you are seated on the witness stand in a courtroom explaining to a lawyer how the accident happened, your enthusiasm for the tool modification idea may fade a bit.

A hammer with obvious damage, such as a head held on by nails, chipped face, and handle held together by wire, has a sign that says “I’ve knocked around too long” and a caption that reads “scrap me.”
Figure 4.2. A Worn Out Hammer / Photo Credit: Wellcome Collections, CC BY 4.0
Close up view of a hammer face that has several pieces missing due to chipping of the edges.
Figure 4.3. Time To Replace This Hammer / Photo Credit: Noel Hankamer, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Third, if a tool is damaged, immediately remove it from use. Have it repaired by a qualified service person or replace it. You may not appreciate this rule unless you are injured by a damaged tool.

And always wear the appropriate PPE for the task.

Hand-Held Grinders

Hand-held grinders may be powered by electricity or pneumatics. Before use, always inspect the tool for damage. Is the power cord or air hose damaged? 110V of electricity and water can be fatal. A 1” diameter air supply hose that has a connection failure during use can subject you to a severe beating. Make sure all the safety features work, including any trigger guard mechanism, glade guard, and be sure the handle(s) are all in proper working order. Verify that the wheel is the proper wheel for the material and it has the correct RPM rating for the grinder. Using an improper grinding wheel may cause it to break, sending fragments flying and potentially causing severe injury.

When using a grinder, be aware of which way the wheel or blade rotates. Understand how the grinder will react when under load. When you grind with it, which way does the tool want to move? A grinding wheel is not unheard of to catch and unexpectedly throw itself into the welder’s face. Make sure the handle is properly located and you have a good grip. Some hand-held grinders generate 3½ horsepower. That is similar to holding a running lawnmower engine in your hands. Also, be sure you do not have loose or dangling clothing, hair, or jewelry that can get caught in the grinding wheel. A grinding wheel rotating at 4500 rpm will entangle itself in a hoodie’s drawstring and yank itself into your face before you can react. This really happens. Never use a grinder without a guard. Do not remove the guard.

Hammers and Struck Tools

Welders very commonly use hammers and struck tools (chisels, punches, etc.). While these are much less complicated than grinders and more on the level of Stone Age tools like rocks, they can still hurt you. I vividly remember working in a shop, swinging a 4-pound hammer in one hand at a number stamp held in my other hand…and smashing my thumb. After jumping around for a time, clutching my rapidly swelling thumb, I took a second attempt at stamping the number into my workpiece. And hit my thumb again.

A man is hammering a chisel that has an extremely mushroomed head.
Figure 4.4. A Chisel With A Mushroom Head / Photo Credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos, PD

Besides hitting yourself, the primary hazard with hammers and struck items like punches, stamps, wedges, and chisels are fragments breaking off and becoming projectiles. Mushroomed heads on chisels, punches, and stamps may look like cool marks of usage, but they should be ground off before they break off. Be sure that any cracked or otherwise broken hammer handles are replaced. Do not tape them up and hope for the best. If working in an environment where sparks should be avoided, such as a refinery, be sure to use a brass hammer that does not produce sparks. When using wedges, do not stack them on top of each other. As pressure and force on them increase, the stacked wedges will pop out at you. The more you have to pound them in, the harder they will hit you when they fly out.


Blue bar clamp
Figure 4.5. Inexpensive Bar Clamp / Photo Credit: J.C. Fields, CC BY-SA 3.0
Two clamps are being used to hold metal into shape
Figure 4.6. Clamps In Use / Photo Credit: zittware, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The hazard from clamps, such as C-clamps, bridge clamps, half-clamps, and bar/pipe clamps is the possibility of failure under load. Clamps are used to hold things in place and sometimes to force things into place. They may suddenly fail when under a heavy load, with parts flying. This is especially dangerous when clamps are used to secure heavy components that may fall or shift if clamps fail. Never position yourself in any place that would put you in harm’s way if clamps were to fail. Bridge clamps, while especially strong, should never be used as an anchorage for fall protection. When clamping pieces together, be aware that surfaces that are not flat but rather at an angle, such as the legs of a channel, have a chance of slipping as pressure with the clamp is increased. Keep in mind that a clamp that begins to bend and distort as you tighten it is trying to warn you that danger is imminent.

Safe Use of Related Tools

The variety of hand tools and small power tools is quite wide, with new types of tools still being developed. With this in mind, always use tools according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Never modify tools from their original configuration, use tools only for their intended purpose, and repair or replace any damaged tool. Above all, remember this: creativity and power tools are a bad combination. Only use tools for their intended purpose!


  1. Figure 4.1: image released under the Pexels License
  2. Figure 4.2: A hammer which is rusty, damaged and poorly repaired. Colour Wellcome L0026413 by Wellcome Collections is released under CC BY 4.0
  3. Figure 4.3: Damaged Hammer Head by Noel Hankamer is released under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
  4. Figure 4.4: 140627-Z-IL540-017 by U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos in the Public Domain; United States government work
  5. Figure 4.5: Irwin Quick-Grip bar clamp white by J.C. Fields is released under CC BY-SA 3.0
  6. Figure 4.6: ST3DSC_0682 by zittware is released under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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Introduction to Welding Copyright © by Douglas Rupik, M.Ed., JIW is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.