5.1 Welding Power

David Ridge

Components of Electricity

Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to teach you about electricity only inasmuch as it applies to welding. The subject of electricity and how we use it as humans is a much broader topic and not the focus of this chapter. Every effort will be made to keep the discussion narrowly focussed on how electricity is used to weld.

As you may know, all matter is made up of atoms. Atoms have three main parts: protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and neutrons of an atom are clustered together in a little ball at the center of the atom called the nucleus. The electrons of an atom circle the nucleus in tiny orbits. The number of protons, neutrons, and electrons that the atoms in any given material have determines what the material is.

Each of the three parts of an atom has a different electrical charge. Protons have a positive electrical charge, neutrons have no electrical charge, and electrons have a negative electrical charge. If an atom has more protons than electrons, then the overall electrical charge of the atom is positive, and vice versa.

The atoms in certain materials have weak bonds with their electrons, which allows the electrons to travel to and from the other atoms in the material. These materials are called conductors, and the more readily a conductor allows the movement of electrons between atoms, the better of a conductor it is. This is important because electricity, also called an electric current, can be described as the movement, or flow, of electrons from one atom to another in a conductor.

An illustration of an atom with the nucleus, protons, neutrons, and electrons labeled.
Figure 5.1. The Atom / Photo Credit: AG Caesar, CC BY-SA 4.0

Some common conductors include iron (atomic symbol Fe) and copper (atomic symbol Cu).

The periodic table with a close-up view of the element iron.
Figure 5.2. The Periodic Table of Elements / Photo Credit: DePiep, CC BY 3.0

There are some materials that resist the flow of electricity, meaning that they do not allow electricity to flow through them very well, or at all in some cases. These materials are called insulators. In many ways insulators are just as important to how we use electricity as conductors. You will often find conductors and insulators used together. For example, a power cable is a copper conductor wrapped in a rubber insulator for safety. This keeps anyone from coming in contact with a dangerous electric current.

When talking about the flow of electricity, we say that an electric current flows in a circuit. This means that the electrons are flowing in a cyclical path. In fact, without a complete circuit to follow, electrons won’t flow at all. When electricity is flowing in a completed circuit, we say that the circuit is “closed”. When there is a break in the circuit (and electricity isn’t flowing), we say that the circuit is “open”.

An illustration of a basic circuit with a negative pole, a positive pole, a switch, and a powered receptacle.
Figure 5.3. A Simple Circuit / Photo Credit: MikeRun, CC BY-SA 4.0

There are a number of terms that we use to describe and measure the flow of electricity. The most common for welders to hear are voltage, amperage, wattage, and ohms. Of these terms, voltage, and amperage will be the most important for you to understand as a welder because welding machine settings are based on these.


A volt is a measure of electrical “pressure”. If we think about electricity flowing in a conductor like water in a hose, voltage can be compared to the water pressure. In a similar way to how the amount of water pressure determines how much force the water is pushed through a hose, voltage determines the amount of electromotive force that moves the electrons through a conductor.

In terms of welding, voltage is important for two primary reasons. First, voltage determines the actual temperature of the arc and, thereby, the weld pool. This, in turn, determines how fluid the weld puddle is. Voltage and amperage must be balanced when making a weld. So if you need your weld to be more fluid and spread out easier, you either need more voltage or less amperage.

An illustration showing the width of the weld pool at 27 volts, 34 volts, and 45 volts.
Figure 5.4. Effect of Arc Voltage On Bead Shape / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

The second reason voltage is important is that voltage is needed to initiate and maintain the arc. In the case of SMAW and GTAW, there is no voltage setting on your welding machine; as the welder, you control the voltage by physically manipulating the arc length. This is because these processes run on what is called Constant Current (CC) welding power. The longer the arc, the more voltage the welding machine will output to maintain it. Conversely, if you need less voltage, you can hold a shorter arc length to reduce the amount of voltage. In the case of the wire-feed welding processes, there is a direct control setting for your voltage on the machine. The machine automatically controls the voltage during welding to maintain a consistent arc length. If you need a longer or shorter arc length, you would adjust the voltage up or down on the welder. These processes use Constant Voltage welding power. The different types of welding power and ways of adjusting voltage are discussed in more depth later in this chapter and in the respective welding process chapters.

The illustration shows the GMAW process and a longer arc length by increasing the voltage and a shorter arc length by decreasing the voltage.
Figure 5.5. Effects Of Voltage On Arc Length / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

Open-circuit Voltage

When using processes like SMAW and scratch-start GTAW, you may notice the voltage display on your welding machine hovering at or around 80 volts. This voltage reading is what is called open-circuit voltage, as this is the voltage in the system when the welding circuit is open and electricity is not flowing. Processes like SMAW and GTAW use constant-current welding power (discussed later in this chapter), and it takes a significant amount of voltage to initiate the arc. Once the arc is initiated though, the voltage drops down to a lower output called the welding voltage or operating voltage, which is usually between 20 and 40 volts as determined by how the welder maintains the arc length. This setting of 80 volts for the open-circuit voltage was developed as a sort of safety mechanism. It provides enough voltage to initiate the arc but not enough to cause serious harm to a person should they come in contact with a live part of the welding circuit. Anything below 80 volts is not enough for the electrical current to penetrate the outer layer of your skin, though it still wouldn’t feel good. It must be remembered that large amounts of electricity are used when welding and that the danger of electrical shock is always present. The electrodes for SMAW and scratch start GTAW are always electrically “hot” when attached to the machine, and the power is on. Always be aware of your surroundings, and don’t put yourself in a position where you could become part of a live electrical circuit. One safety tip is to always wear gloves when handling electrical components.


An amp (or ampere) is a measure of the number of electrons flowing in a circuit. In a certain way, you could say that amperage is a measure of the “volume” or “how much” of an electric current in a system. Going back to our example of water in a hose, the volume of water flowing in the hose can be compared to the amperage in a circuit.

Amperage is important to welding because it determines the amount of heat energy being applied to the weld. Heat is different from temperature in that temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is, while heat is a measure of the amount of energy something has. For example, a match and a bonfire burn at the same temperature, but the bonfire has significantly more heat energy. This is important for welding because the more heat energy applied to a weld, the better the weld penetration into the base metal. The amount of amperage being used to make a weld can generally be correlated to the amount of weld penetration. Higher amperage means more penetration, and lower amperage means less penetration. The ability to adjust weld penetration characteristics is important for welding on metals of different types and thicknesses. For many processes that use consumable electrodes (electrodes that become part of the weld), adjusting the amperage also affects the rate at which these filler metals are deposited and therefore, the speed at which the weld is made.

An illustration showing how the depth of weld penetration is affected by amperage at 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 amps. In the example, the weld at 200 amps has the least weld penetration, while the weld at 600 amps has the most weld penetration.
Figure 5.6. Effects Of Amperage On Penetration / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

For processes like SMAW and GTAW, there is a direct amperage control setting on the welding machine. For the wire-feed processes, the amperage is tied to the wire-feed speed control.


A watt is a measure of electrical power and wattage is a measure of the overall power in an electric current. Because wattage is the total amount of electrical power, it is a combination of both voltage and amperage. We find wattage using a simple mathematical formula:

Volts x Amps = Watts

Wattage is not an electrical measurement that needs to be considered very often in welding. The main concern with wattage is making sure the power source that the welding machine is plugged into is adequate, and even then this is usually accomplished by measuring the volts and the amps. That being said, the above formula is useful for finding both voltage and amperage. If Volts x Amps = Watts then the following is true:

Watt / Amps = Volts


Watts / Volts = Amps

Algebra in the Shop

Often these equations are written using just the first letter of each word.

Volts x Amps = Watts can be written V x A = W

Watt / Amps = Volts can be written W / A = V

Watts / Volts = Amps can be written W / V = A


An ohm (pronounced Oh-mm) is a measure of resistance to the flow of electricity. When the electrons in a conductor travel from one atom to another, sometimes they bump into each other or into the atoms themselves. This is called resistance. In general, you as a welder will not be concerned with measuring the resistance in ohms. You simply need to understand the principle of resistance in an electrical system.

Resistance in a circuit creates heat. In most cases we want the resistance in a circuit to be as low as possible. We want the electricity in our welding leads to flow as efficiently as possible. Resistance in the welding leads or at other points in the system creates heat which causes components to degrade and break down.

However, there is one point in a welding system where resistance is crucially important. This is at the point of the welding arc. In fact without this principle of resistance, arc welding would not work at all. The atmosphere we live in is not a good conductor. As the electric current is forced to travel through the atmosphere at the point of the welding arc, it encounters a lot of resistance. So much so in fact that the heat created by the resistance can reach anywhere from 6,000o to 11,000o F (3,316o to 6,093o C). The temperatures and heat energy created are what allow us to melt metals for welding.

Resistance and Safety

Sometimes certain components of a welding system become worn or damaged. Damaged components often lead to increased resistance in the system. Usually, this happens with the connection points of welding leads or with work clamps or electrode holders. In certain cases, the resistance caused by wear or damage to these parts, or loose connections, can lead to a buildup of heat that can be dangerous. Always carefully check connection points, work clamps, and electrode holders to see if they are hot after welding, before grabbing them. This can be done by placing a hand near the part, without touching it, to feel whether it is hot. Damaged components that frequently heat up due to resistance should be replaced. Not only will this help keep you safe, it will help the welding machine run better. Extra resistance in the system can have adverse effects on the quality of welds.


When we talk about polarity in the context of welding, we are talking about the direction the electric current is flowing through the welding system. Remember our discussion about an electrical circuit from earlier. A welding system is a big circuit in which the electricity travels from the power source, through the leads and electrode, through the base metal, and back again. Think of a welding machine as having two “poles”, much like a magnet. There is a positive pole and a negative pole.

A welding circuit connected in reverse polarity/direct current electrode positive, and straight polarity/direct current electrode negative.
Figure 5.7. Different Direct Current Polarities / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0
A welder uncertain of which receptacle to plug the lead into.
Figure 5.8. Which Polarity? / Photo Credit: David Ridge, CC BY 4.0

By changing which outlet our welding leads are connected to, we can change the way electricity flows through the system. In some cases, this can also be done with a switch or by changing a setting on the machine.

When discussing polarity, we can say that welding machines output electricity in one of two ways, either as direct current (DC) or as alternating current (AC). Some machines can only produce direct current, others can produce only alternating current, and some can produce both.

Direct Current

Direct current means that the flow of electricity is in one direction, all the time. This is very beneficial for the majority of welding that needs to be done. Most metals are welded using direct current. However, which direction the current is flowing has a big effect on the weld.

An illustration of the circuit between a battery and a lightbulb, with the current flowing only one way.
Figure 5.9. How Direct Current Works / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

As stated earlier, we can think of a welding machine as having two poles, a positive and a negative. By changing which pole our workpiece lead and electrode lead are connected to, we can change the direction of the flow of electricity. This gives us two variations of direct current. We refer to them as direct current electrode positive (dcep) and direct current electrode negative (dcen).

Direct current electrode positive means that we have the electrode lead hooked up to the positive terminal on the welder, and the workpiece lead hooked up to the negative terminal. The majority of DC welding is done on DCEP. Processes like SMAW and FCAW use DCEP for most of their electrodes, and GMAW will always run on DCEP.

With direct current electrode negative, we will have the welding leads hooked up the other way, with the electrode lead being negative and the workpiece lead being positive. You will most likely encounter DCEN welding with GTAW and with certain self-shielded FCAW electrodes.

An illustration showing one welding machine configured for DCEN polarity and another configured for DCEP polarity.
Figure 5.10. DCEN And DCEP Welding Machine Setup / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

Direct Current Heat Distribution

The main reason for using one polarity or the other between DCEP and DCEN is the heat distribution characteristics of each. In a welding system, electricity always flows from the negative pole to the positive pole. At the point where the arc is created, the negative pole is emitting electrons across the arc and the positive pole is collecting them. As the heat is created by the arc, only 1/3 of it is concentrated on the negative pole while 2/3 of the heat is concentrated on the positive pole.

For example, with DCEP the electricity is actually flowing from the work lead to the base metal and then jumping across the arc to the electrode, and continuing back through the electrode lead to complete the circuit.

This puts 2/3 of the heat on the electrode and 1/3 of the heat on the base metal. This is desirable for SMAW, GMAW, and FCAW processes because they have consumable electrodes, meaning that the electrode is melted and becomes part of the weld. We need the majority of the heat on the electrode because we actually need it to melt faster than the base metal during welding.

On the other hand, with a process like GTAW, we have a non-consumable tungsten electrode. We don’t want this electrode to melt and become part of the weld so we use DCEN. Since the electrode is now connected to the negative pole, only 1/3 of the heat is directed to the electrode with the other 2/3 going to the base metal.

A diagram listing the different heat distribution characteristics for DCEP, DCEN, and AC.
Figure 5.11. Heat Distribution For Each Polarity / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

Old Terms vs New Terms

As a note, you may still hear DCEP referred to by the older name direct current reverse polarity (DCRP) and DCEN as direct current straight polarity (DCSP). These old terms for these polarities had to do with the direction the electricity was flowing. Since the electricity was actually flowing from the work to the electrode with DCEP, it was referred to as “reverse polarity”. DCEN was “straight polarity” since the electricity was flowing from the electrode to the work. An easy way to remember this is that DCEN and DCSP (which are the same thing) are represented by the minus sign (-), which is a straight line and therefore refers to straight polarity.

Alternating Current

Alternating current (AC) is an electrical current that is constantly changing polarity. This is the type of electrical current that you have in your house. Most electronics plug into outlets that run on AC.

A diagram of an alternating current represented as a sine wave, with polarities, amperages, and cycle time labeled.
Figure 5.12. Alternating Current Sine Wave / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

If we were to draw a visual representation of AC, it would look like the image above. The top side of the 0 line is positive polarity, and the bottom side is negative. The line going from left to right represents time. Notice how the current changes from positive to negative over time. AC makes this change many times per second. The time it takes for one whole cycle is called a Hertz. In North America, the electricity that goes to your house runs at 60 Hertz, or 60 cycles per second.

What this would look like in welding is that the current flowing through the welding leads would be changing direction 120 times per second, to make 60 cycles per second.

An illustration of an SMAW welding system showing the constant change in direction of the welding current when running on alternating current.
Figure 5.13. AC Welding Machine Setup / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

There are several reasons why you might choose to use AC. It gives a heat distribution that is about 50/50 on the work and the electrode. The weld penetration to weld build up ratio is also about 50/50. AC is easier to produce than DC, so machines that use AC only tend to be cheaper. With processes like TIG welding, some metals can only be welded using AC, and with SMAW some welding rods are only designed to run on AC. It also helps eliminate the welding phenomenon called “arc blow,” which causes the arc to wander off course and can cause weld defects.

One last note about AC. There are some modern welding machines that can change the number of Hertz that AC cycles at, from as low as 20 Hertz to over 200 Hertz. Also, many machines that can produce AC can change the wave pattern from the sine wave shown in the illustration, to what is called square wave, which is much more efficient for welding. There are other waveforms which are discussed in Chapter 11: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.

Types of Welding Power

There are two types of welding power (not to be confused with polarity). They are constant current (cc) and constant voltage (cv). It is important to remember the difference as they are used for different welding processes.

The Different Welding Processes

Up to now, we have only mentioned the welding processes when referring to certain welding variables that are related to them. Before going further, it will be helpful to have a basic understanding of the four main processes and how they work. Each of these processes has its own chapter that gives an in depth explanation of components and theory of operation. What follows is simply a brief overview to serve as a frame of reference.


shielded metal arc welding (smaw), also called “stick” welding, is the most simple welding process in terms of equipment and theory, and is usually the first welding process taught in schools and apprenticeships. The main components of the system are a welding power source, welding leads (cables that transfer the electricity to the weld), a work clamp and an electrode holder, and coated metal electrodes to make the weld. The welding power source sends power through the work lead, which is attached to the base metal with the work clamp, and an electrode lead attached to the electrode holder. The electrode holder grips the coated metal electrode, which is a metal rod covered in a mineral substance called flux. The arc is struck between the rod and the base metal and as the weld progresses, the metal rod is melted to become part of the weld and the flux is burned and consumed. Parts of the flux melt and coat the newly formed weld in a material called slag, while other elements burn off creating a shielding gas cloud that surrounds the weld zone during welding. Both the slag and the shielding gas are to protect the weld from the atmosphere, because molten metal reacts badly with elements in the normal air. SMAW is known for its simplicity and its ability to weld almost any metal, if the right type of welding rod is used. However, it does require a slightly higher level of manual skill than some other welding processes such as MIG welding.

A welder using SMAW to make a weld on a large pipe.
Figure 5.14. SMAW/Stick Welding / Photo Credit: Mgschuler, CC BY 3.0


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) was originally called Tungsten Inert Gas welding (TIG). Many welders still refer to it as TIG welding today. The electrode lead for TIG welding is more than just a power cable. Rather than a simple electrode holder, TIG uses a welding torch through which must pass shielding gas and sometimes cooling water as well as the welding current. The torch holds a tungsten electrode, from which the arc is emitted. This electrode is not consumed, as with SMAW, but only serves to conduct the electricity for the arc. A secondary filler metal, in the form of a bare metal rod, is added by hand to the weld pool as the arc travels along the base metal. Instead of having flux to create slag or shielding gas, a separate bottled shielding gas is used. This shielding gas is usually an inert gas, such as Argon or Helium, and is passed through the torch to the weld zone. TIG welding setups can be very simple, however modern TIG welding power sources tend to be the most complicated when it comes to the welding settings. Additionally, the majority of TIG welding machines nowadays use a foot pedal or thumb control to adjust amperage in real time during welding. Also, in many cases, a water cooler/water chiller unit is added to help keep the welding torch cool, as it can easily overheat because of the slow welding speed of this process. Despite its slowness, TIG welding is very desirable for its precision and cleanliness, as well as its ability to weld a wide variety of metals.

Helium: A Non-renewable Resource

Helium is a gas found in the earth’s crust. Its atoms are so small that they can pass between the atoms of any man-made container designed to hold it, thus allowing it to leak out. This is why your helium balloon goes flat after a few days. This property also allows this gas to even escape the gravitational pull of the earth and leave our atmosphere. Due to this fact, and our inability to create helium by artificial means, helium is considered to be a non-renewable resource at this point. Although there is thought to be enough helium reserves for a number of years to come, helium usage is starting to be more regulated and restricted (Helium, n.d.).

A welder uses GTAW to make a weld on steel plate.
Figure 5.15. GTAW/ TIG Welding / Photo Credit: Emilian Robert Vicol, CC BY 2.0


gas metal arc welding (gmaw) was at one time called Metal Inert Gas welding (MIG) and most welders still refer to it by this name today. You may also hear it called “hard wire,” due to the solid metal wire electrode used. This process is what is known as a wire-feed process. A bare wire electrode is fed from a spool through a welding gun into the weld. Some MIG welding power sources have a built in wire feeder unit, but in many cases the feeder unit is a separate component that must be attached to the power source. As the wire electrode is fed out of the gun, it is continually melted and becomes part of the weld. A bottled, external shielding gas is also fed through the gun to protect the weld. So, like TIG welding, there is no slag. The gas is usually CO2, or a mixture of Argon and CO2. Wire-feed processes like MIG are more complicated in terms of the equipment necessary, but are easier for new welders to learn. These processes also have the advantage of being able to make long welds quickly due to the spooled wire electrode. This is in contrast to SMAW and TIG which are much slower and the length of weld deposited at one time is limited by the length of the welding rod. The main drawbacks of MIG welding are that it is somewhat limited in the number of materials that can be welded with it, and often in the thickness of the material. Generally MIG is limited to steel and aluminum. In the case of Short-Circuit Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW-S, also called “short-circuit MIG” or “short-arc”), it is not recommended for use on materials over ¼ inch in thickness.

A welder uses GMAW to make a weld on a pipe.
Figure 5.16. GMAW/MIG Welding / Photo Credit: Weldscientist, CC BY-SA 4.0


flux cored arc welding (fcaw) is also a wire-feed process similar to MIG. In fact the same equipment used for MIG can also be used for FCAW by changing a few parts in the welding gun and the wire feeder unit. The primary difference is in the wire electrode. FCAW uses a tubular wire electrode that is filled with flux. Much like SMAW, the flux burns and creates slag and shielding gas to protect the weld. There are two types of FCAW. One uses a bottled shielding gas in addition to the shielding from the flux. This is Gas Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-G), which is also called “dual-shield.” The other type of FCAW is called Self Shielded Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-S), or “inner-shield,” and all protection for the weld comes from the flux alone. While FCAW is limited to welding ferrous metals (like steel, stainless steel, or cast iron), it is known for its speed and strength. Unlike MIG, which is often limited to welding thinner materials, FCAW is able to weld materials of any thickness.

A welder uses FCAW to make a weld on a steel frame.
Figure 5.17. FCAW / Photo Credit: Oregon Department of Transportation, CC BY 2.0

Constant Current

Constant current (CC) s used for welding with SMAW and GTAW/TIG. These processes are both manual processes (meaning the welder controls almost everything by hand). If we remember from earlier in the chapter, both processes use their arc length to control the voltage applied to the arc. Lengthening the arc raises the voltage and shortening the arc lowers it.

CC power gets its name from the fact that the welding machine always tries to maintain a constant wattage output. Remember that wattage is the total amount of electrical power and is composed of the total voltage and amperage. Looking back to our formula from earlier, we know that V x A = W. If the machine tries to keep a steady wattage output, this means that changes in voltage made by changing arc length will change the amperage. If the voltage increases, the amperage will decrease and vice versa, but the overall wattage remains the same.

To illustrate this, say you set the amperage on the machine to 80 amps and then maintain an arc length that requires 24 volts. Using the formula V x A = W, we know that 24V x 80A = 1,920W. At that amperage setting, the welding machine will always try to maintain that 1,920 watt output. If the voltage were to increase to 30V, due to increasing the arc length, the amperage would automatically decrease to 64A, because 30V x 64A = 1,920W. Conversely, let’s say the voltage decreased to 20V due to holding a tighter arc length. We know that the amperage will instead increase to 96A, because 20V x 96A = 1,920W. This is not a completely accurate representation of the actual numbers but hopefully it gives you an idea of what is taking place. It is not accurate because we do not want large fluctuations in amperage while welding, so in actuality the total wattage will change a little. The image below shows CC power on a graph, where the curved line is the total wattage. You can see how changes in voltage affect changes in amperage.

A graph showing the differences in voltage and amperage variations for constant current and constant voltage power.
Figure 5.18. Constant Current And Constant Voltage Electrical Characteristics / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

Constant Voltage

Constant voltage (CV) power is used for all wire-feed welding processes. This includes GMAW/MIG and FCAW/Fluxcore. These are known as semi-automatic processes. This means that the welder controls everything by hand, except for the feeding of the wire electrode, which is fed automatically by a wire feed unit.

With these wire feed processes, the main controls that you can adjust on the welding machine are voltage and wire-feed speed (wfs). The WFS control adjusts the speed at which the wire is fed through the system. There is no amperage control. Rather, the welding machine automatically adjusts the amperage to what is needed in order to fully melt the electrode as it is fed into the weld pool. So as you turn the WFS up, the welder automatically increases the amperage to melt the wire faster.

CV power gets its name from the fact that the welding machine tries to maintain a constant voltage setting throughout the weld. Because the wire is fed automatically, the welder is no longer able to maintain the arc length by hand. Instead the machine maintains a constant arc length by maintaining one voltage. So in a sense, when you set your voltage on the machine, you are actually setting the arc length. More voltage means a longer arc and less voltage means a shorter one. Along with the change in arc length is a change in how wide the cone of the arc is at the weld pool.

An illustration showing the GMAW process and a longer arc length by increasing the voltage, and a shorter arc length by decreasing the voltage.
Figure 5.19. Effects Of Voltage On Arc Length / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

Because the welder still controls the movement of the welding gun/torch by hand, there will no doubt be fluctuations in how far or close they hold the gun/torch to the weld pool. Even an experienced welder cannot help this. CV power is able to accommodate this by maintaining a constant voltage and arc length, and automatically adjusting the amperage. The closer the welding gun is held to the weld pool, the more amperage is required to melt the wire electrode. The graph below gives a visual representation of what is happening with the voltage and amperage when using CV power. It should be noted that although it is said that the machine maintains a constant voltage, it is never perfectly accurate. There are always small variations. This is because no set of welding circumstances or machines is ever perfect.

A graph showing the differences in voltage and amperage variations for constant current and constant voltage power.
Figure 5.20. Constant Current And Constant Voltage Electrical Characteristics / Photo Credit: Nicholas Malara, CC BY 4.0

It is important to remember that voltage and WFS need to be balanced with each other in order to make good welds. Each wire electrode has a set of suggested settings that help you determine how to adjust your welding machine.


  1. Figure 5.1: Atom Diagram by AG Caesar is released under CC BY-SA 4.0
  2. Figure 5.2: Periodic table large by DePiep is released under CC BY 3.0
  3. Figure 5.3: Simple-electric-circuit by MikeRun is released under CC BY-SA 4.0
  4. Figure 5.4: Effect of Arc Voltage On Bead Shape by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  5. Figure 5.5: Effects Of Voltage On Arc Length by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  6. Figure 5.6: Effects Of Amperage On Penetration by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  7. Figure 5.7: Different Direct Current Polarities by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  8. Figure 5.8: Which Polarity? by David Ridge, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  9. Figure 5.9: How Direct Current Works by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  10. Figure 5.10: DCEN And DCEP Welding Machine Setup by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  11. Figure 5.11: Heat Distribution For Each Polarity by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  12. Figure 5.12: Alternating Current Sine Wave by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  13. Figure 5.13: AC Welding Machine Setup by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  14. Figure 5.14: SMAW by Mgschuler is released under CC BY 3.0
  15. Figure 5.15: TIG-Welding-GTAW__102400 by Emilian Robert Vicol is released under CC BY 2.0
  16. Figure 5.16: Migpipe by Weldscientist is released under CC BY-SA 4.0
  17. Figure 5.17: Welding the frames (2929458501) by Oregon Department of Transportation is released under CC BY 2.0
  18. Figure 5.18: Constant Current And Constant Voltage Electrical Characteristics by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  19. Figure 5.19: Effects Of Voltage On Arc Length by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0
  20. Figure 5.20: Effects Of Voltage On Arc Length by Nicholas Malara, for WA Open ProfTech, © SBCTC, CC BY 4.0


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Introduction to Welding Copyright © by David Ridge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.