7.5 References
Douglas Rupik, M.Ed., JIW
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.-a). General requirements—general working conditions. eTool: Shipyard Employment. U.S. Department of Labor. U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.osha.gov/etools/shipyard/general-requirements/working-conditions
Occupational Safety and Health Administration. (n.d.-b). Ship repair—confined or enclosed spaces and other dangerous atmospheres. eTool : Shipyard Employment. U.S. Department of Labor. https://www.osha.gov/etools/shipyard/ship-repair/confined-spaces
Zippia. (2021, January 29). Welder Demographics and Statistics . Www.zippia.com. https://www.zippia.com/welder-jobs/demographics/