Appendix 1: Chapter Question Answers

Chapter 1

  1. compassion and empathy
  2. D. All of the above
  3. True
  4. E. All of the above
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Courses that must be completed prior to applying for enrollment in a specific program. Often include science courses like biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology.
  8. Job security, high pay for level of education, flexible schedules and varied work settings, potential for travel
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 2

  1. Triage
  2. The key difference between an emergency room and an urgent care center is that urgent care centers are designed to care and treat non-life-threatening conditions, whereas, emergency rooms treat conditions that are severe enough to be considered life-threatening.
  3. True
  4. C. Ambulatory Care Center
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary
  7. C. skilled nursing facility
  8. Physical therapist, occupational therapist, or speech therapist.
  9. AMI and SMI
  10. True

Chapter 3

  1. Answers will vary
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. A. You have a family history of heart disease and therefore have an increased risk of heart attack
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 4

  1. A. PHI
  2. B. Electronic health records
  3. D. All of the above
  4. B. Patient
  5. A. True
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 5

  1. Answers will vary
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. C. Arterial blood gas
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 6

  1. Answers will vary
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 7

  1. C. x-ray
  2. MRI
  3. CT
  4. Cardiovascular Technician
  5. Medical Laboratory Technician
  6. RDMS
  7. True
  8. Cardiac Echocardiogram
  9. Doppler
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 8

  1. The Medical Director defines the guidelines that advanced level providers can function within. These medical physicians conduct quality review of critical care. And are involved in quality improvement of prehospital emergency care.
  2. The components of the prehospital medicine system are first response, basic life support ambulance, advanced life support care, emergency department, trauma and tertiary care centers. Each of these components treat patients is various ways and locations.
  3. The different modes of transportation are ambulance, helicopter and fixed-wing boat.
  4. There is a large difference in educational requirements between an EMT and a paramedic. Paramedics require significantly more training hours and perform significantly more advanced skills.
  5. Nationally Registered Paramedics (NRP), Nationally Registered EMTs (NREMT) and Nationally Registered Advanced-EMTs (NRAEMT) are required to renew their certification every two years. The number of continuing education credits is between 40 and 60, the latter end being paramedic certifications.
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 9

  1. Dental Assistant
  2. Dental Hygienist.
  3. Denturists
  4. Dental Therapist
  5. True
  6. Dental Assistant
  7. Answers will vary
  8. True
  9. A. Hospital
  10. RDH

Chapter 10

  1. Health education is the promotion of health and the prevention of disease and disability.
  2. Prior to earning the SUDP title, many people become an SUDP trainee. This allows the trainee to earn practical field experience as they are pursuing their SUDP credential.
  3. Having a high school diploma is a requirement to work as a pharmacy technician in WA. Attending a college program and becoming certified will provide more opportunity in the field.
  4. LEP’s are individuals where English is not their first language.
  5. To work as a social worker, depending on the state, a bachelor’s of master’s degree is required along with a national certification.
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 11

  1. Debrief
  2. A
  3. Options could include online modules, webinars, in person conferences, reading professional journals, joining professional organizations for the healthcare specialty and networking with members.
  4. Answers will vary, personal opinion
  5. Closed loop
  6. Clarify, Articulate, Request, and Encourage
  7. Keeping the patient informed reduces anxiety as they know what to expect, then they see that the healthcare team is reliable.
  8. These could include positive attitude,
  9. Role Play. Potential script-Ranjeeta (employee) “Molly, I am really upset. I think my schedule is very unfair. I have had to work 3 weekends in a row. Also, I asked if I could have Wednesdays off for a class but it is not consistent.” Molly “I can see that you are upset and I am sorry you are frustrated. I do have to make sure the unit is covered for weekends, but you should only have to work 2 a month, so I will make sure that gets fixed. Would you be willing to help me out by asking your co-workers if anyone can work Wednesdays? When we know who can take the Wednesday spots then I can arrange that for you.” Ranjeeta “Thank you for listening and helping me out. Yes, I will talk to my co-workers. When do you need to know by?”
  10. Answers will vary, personal opinion. Could include taking deep breaths, excusing yourself for a drink of water, writing out what you might say to someone, practicing it with a trusted person. If you are angry, it is best to wait until you have cooled down to address the issue so you can be more rational.

Chapter 12

  1. Answers will vary
  2. Answers will vary
  3. Answers will vary
  4. Answers will vary
  5. Answers will vary
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 13

  1. A. True
  2. C. 3
  3. C. Career
    1. Subject
  4. B. False
  5. A. True
  6. Answers will vary
  7. Answers will vary
  8. Answers will vary
  9. Answers will vary
  10. Answers will vary

Chapter 14

  1. A. Arrive 15 minutes early
  2. A. Behavioral
  3. A. All of the above
  4. A. Two to three weeks
  5. A. True
  6. A. Practice interviewing with friends
  7. B. Entries focus on skills and education
  8. D. All of the above
  9. A. Explain why the candidate is a good fit for the position
  10. C. LinkedIn
  11. Answers will vary


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