Appendix 8: Terms Relating to Procedures and Specialties

The table below will illustrate some terms that are related to anatomy and physiology, their root words and their lay English meaning.

Term Latin/Greek word component English meaning
Adenoma Adeno-relating to glands, -oma, referring to cancer Cancer of glandular tissue
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) Adreno-relating to the adrenal glands, -cortico-, relating to the outer layer, -tropic, increasing growth and development A hormone that directly enhances the function of and release of hormones from the outer layer of the adrenal glands.
Costochondritis Costo-relating to the ribs, chondro- meaning cartilage, -itis- meaning inflammation Inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum.
Colonoscopy Colon- referring to the large intestine and scopy-meaning visual exam An examination of the large intestine, done by entering the anus, with a flexible tube mounted with a camera, to view the mucosal layer.
Endoscopy Endo-meaning inside and scopy- meaning visual exam An examination of the digestive tract, using a camera, from the mouth to the small intestine.
Myoglobin Myo- meaning muscle. -globin refers to a spherical protein that bonds to oxygen. A molecule found in muscle cells that holds oxygen for aerobic respiration and creation of ATP for energy.
Neuroanatomy Neuro- relating to the nervous tissue, -anatomy, referring to the study of structures The study of structures of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
Osteoarthritis Osteo-meaning bone, arthro- meaning joint, -itis meaning inflammation Inflammation of the joints of the skeleton, leading to destruction of the cartilage and the formation of bone spurs
Otoscope Oto- refers to the ear, -scope is a tool for examination A tool for examining the ear
Pathology Patho-disease state, -ology, study of The study of diseases
Periosteum Peri- surrounding or around, -osteo, related to bone A connective tissue layer covering the external surface of the bone.
Rhinitis Rhin- referring to the nose, -itis, referring to inflammation Inflammation of the nose, a runny nose


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