11.9 Chapter Conclusion

Anita Hedlund


This chapter reviewed the definition of professionalism in healthcare and factors that contribute to acting as a professional. These factors include attitude, accountability, service orientation, and etiquette. Professionals should also hold values related to respect for a person’s dignity, right to make their own decisions, and concern for the well-being of others. The importance of professional communication techniques such as closed loop and ongoing professional development were included.

Review Questions

  1. The name of the time dedicated for the team to communicate and review after a serious medical event is called a __________.
  2. The three core values a healthcare professional should hold are respect for:
    1. Human dignity, autonomy, and altruism
    2. Altruism, cultural humility, and charity care
  3. List 3 ways to engage in professional development
  4. Reflection question: Is there a time when you admired someone’s professionalism? What traits and behaviors did they demonstrate? How will this influence your practice if you go into healthcare?
  5. Checking back with someone who has assigned you a task is called __________ communication.
  6. What are the steps of the CARE model for dealing with confrontation?
  7. How does keeping patients informed build trust?
  8. Give two examples of professional etiquette
  9. Have two people do a role play to practice dealing with a conflict. The conflict is that an employee feels they have gotten an unfair schedule over and over. One person will take the role of the upset employee, the other one the supervisor who makes the schedule. Write a script to lay out the concern and offer a compromise.
  10. Think back to a time where you got sad, frustrated, or angry over an issue at work. Write out a plan for how you would handle your emotional response so that you could remain calm and professional.


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