Scratch Fabrication of Apparatus for Local Aluminum Recycling

Thomas Won Chois

Personal Statement

I have always been interested in recycling metals because they can be recycled an infinite number of times without any loss of material. I dream of a future where we continue to live excessive lives without producing a single piece of waste. Last year, the research that I collected had convinced me that only charcoal would burn hot enough to melt aluminum. However, this year I destroyed my own preconceptions by using common lumber to do the same. Technology moves fast and we are lucky to be living in such a time.


Image of research poster
Scratch Fabrication of Apparatus for Local Aluminum Recycling by Thomas Choi


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The Lion's Pride, Vol. 14 Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Won Chois is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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