
Notes on This Publication:

Members of the Lion’s Pride committee may make minor edits to submissions in order to standardize spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. However, committee members do not thoroughly edit submissions for students, and the committee’s general policy is to present work in close to its submitted form to preserve the integrity of each student’s voice. Students are encouraged to edit their own work carefully before submission and to get assistance from instructors and campus tutors.

The Lion’s Pride may contain links to third-party web sites. These links are provided as a convenience to readers and are not under the control of The Lion’s Pride. If you access a third-party site linked to The Lion’s Pride publication, you are responsible for guarding against computer viruses or other potential risks of online navigation. The Lion’s Pride cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of such links and does not endorse information contained at the third-party web sites.

Lion’s Pride of Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. For the individual, original works contained herein, all rights reserved and revert to artists after publication. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of LWTech or the magazine publication staff.

The Lion’s Pride is a publication of student written and visual works created at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. We attempt to include students representing the diverse populations and programs at the college. The committee takes joy in sharing students voices here.

For information on how to submit your work for consideration, please visit the publication homepage: https://www.lwtech.edu/campus-life/lions-pride/

You may also contact wesley.mantooth@lwtech.edu if you have questions.

Lion’s Pride Committee:
Johnny Calavitta, English Department, Associate Professor
Karen Holum, Design Department Chair
Wesley Mantooth, English Department Chair
Marian Romero-Govea, Student
Sue Wozniak, Librarian

Cover Art: “Give me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning to Be Free” by Graham Gale

Artist’s Statement:

I believe this country was built on the backs of immigrants. Here legally or not; slaves or slaves to the dream; the fortunate and the unfortunate. Most wanting to just make a better life for themselves.

I am an immigrant. I was married near this statue. It has a real place in my life. The process to become a citizen can be onerous, challenging, intimidating, and ultimately rewarding or heart-breaking.

Dark foreboding skies hover over the lady with the lamp but with hope for brighter days ahead.


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The Lion's Pride, Vol. 16 Copyright © 2022 by Lake Washington Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.