Presentation: Ethical Impact of Systematic Inequality (2023)

Rex Rempel

The following is an assignment in BHAV 412 Human Service Ethics.

Presentation: Ethical impact of systematic inequality


To recognize and practice explaining examples of racism, sexism, and other types of discrimination and societal structures or systems which facilitate inequality.


Deliver in class a presentation on an example of racism, sexism, or another type of discrimination, or identify a societal structure or system which facilitates inequality in behavioral health

  • Explain the issue and its causes
  • Enumerate and discuss the scope and ethical impacts of the situation
  • Provide a proposed solution
  • Presentations should last 10-20 minutes

 Grading rubric

Criteria Points
Appropriate identification of an example of racism, sexism, or another type of discrimination in behavioral health OR a societal structure or system which facilitates inequality in behavioral health presented and justified. 25
Enumerate (identify) and discuss the ethical impacts of the example. Ethical code sections were identified, with a critical discussion of how the code relates to the example. 25
Provide a proposed solution. It should be detailed and comprehensive. 25
10-20 minute presentation, (if group) all members participated meaningfully in the presentation, with appropriate use of white space, with slides easily readable, and APA references. 25
Total 100

Note: You are being asked to be specific, to address some particular way that racism, sexism or another type of discrimination is apparent within our profession. You are not, for example, teaching us that racism or sexism are problematic. Instead, you are called to identify and analyze a more precise problem. Here’s why:

Racism and sexism are huge issues. This becomes important, as solutions may be different depending on what we hope to change, and racism at large across our society is likely too big a target, outside the control of our profession. On the other hand, if we are targeting African Americans’ access to insurance–or trans-children being denied care, or Hispanic under-representation among providers, or men’s/women’s reports of their emotions being misunderstood–these allow for targeted and potentially effective interventions.

Being specific and focused in our problem definition (a) ensures that we properly understand the client’s experience, (b) forces us to listen to their goals, and (c) typically points to appropriate remedies.

It is in the specifics that we change lives.

Note: In discussing the ethical issues, you can choose a relevant code of ethics for behavioral healthcare professionals (which applies to certain professionals but not all of society) or a larger set of ethical standards.

Possible topics

The following have been identified by some people as structural inequality in the United States (while others disagree). You can use one of these or chose your own.

  • Population differences in the frequency of particular disorders (e.g. the disproportionate frequency of a particular disorder among women or LGBTQ folks)
  • Denial of gender-affirming treatment for some trans youth
  • Unequal access to treatment based on socioeconomic status
  • Misdiagnosis of schizophrenia in African American men
  • Unequal school funding
  • Gender gap in earned incomes
  • Lack of representation among healthcare providers (population/identity differences between healthcare providers and the local population)
  • Gender imbalance within the behavioral health workforce
  • Lack of representation among government policymakers (population/identity differences between those setting up the system/determining funding and the clients of those services)
  • Lack of access to behavioral healthcare for people in jail/prison (those accused or convicted of crimes)

Help available

This assignment can be done individually or with a classmate. If students co-create their presentation, the submission should name both students and be submitted by both students. Those two will receive the same grade.


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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Rex Rempel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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