Analyzing Cultural Differences in Art – A Lesson in An Art Class (2024)

Amber Chiozza

Assignment comparing two works of art that come from different cultures or demographics. Please choose at least one from the list, but you are welcome to choose one not listed to compare, as well.  

First, look at the two pieces and write some instant thoughts and reactions, including the following questions:  

Do you feel less connection to one or the other? Do you consider one “better” or “worse”?  

What past visuals have you experienced that made you relate more to your favorite one?  

Do you think you may be missing context in one or both pieces due to your background?  

Second: Watch the accompanying videos to better understand the artist and their process and write your renewed thoughts on the piece.  

Has your opinion changed now that you can follow the artist’s process and thoughts behind the artwork?  

Examine how your opinion or thoughts may have changed. Now that you understand who the artist is as a person more fully, did anything about them surprise you? Did you realize any specific biases you had when looking at the artworks originally? 

What part of their process or explanation interested you the most? Did you find any new areas where you can relate to them? What parallels can you find in your life with the life of the artist?  

Starting list of artists that tackle ideas of difference and bias in the artworld and beyond:


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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Amber Chiozza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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