Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance – A Lesson in An Early Childhood Education (2024)

Isabella Sebastiani

As we talk about differences in the Early Childhood Education program, we are encouraged to be aware of how differences in culture can affect behavior guidance. Here is a Classroom Connection that looks into this a bit deeper:

Culturally Appropriate Positive Guidance


The purpose of this assignment is for you to locate information about culturally appropriate positive guidance practices and describe why these practices are important in early learning programs. 


This assignment will help you practice the following skills essential to your success in this course, in college, in your professional life:

  • Synthesize information
  • Analyze and assimilate new information 
  • Communicate your understanding 


This assignment will help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline: 

  • Recognize positive, respectful, culturally responsive approaches to guidance. 


  1. Please read the following article after you have read through our weekly research:
  2. Conduct your own research and find another article that addresses culturally appropriate positive guidance practices with young children. Make sure to share the article link.
  3. Using the information from the posted NAEYC article and the article you located in your research, address the following prompts: 
    1. Describe culturally appropriate positive guidance.
    2. Explain why positive guidance should be culturally appropriate.
    3. Outline a variety of culturally appropriate positive guidance strategies.
  4. Submit your assignment in whichever format works best for you:
    • Typed
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Poster
    • Slideshow
    • Poem
    • Song
    • Other
  5. Make sure to include the article link!!!!

Criteria for Success

  • You have thoroughly read the posted NAEYC article and researched your own article about culturally responsive positive guidance. 
  • You have responded thoughtfully to the prompts in the Task section. 
  • You have included the link to the article that you located in your research. 
  • The assignment was submitted by the due date.


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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Isabella Sebastiani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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