My Social Identities: A Self-Reflection Assessment

Sharon Raz

Self-Assessment Exercise

Purpose: In this assignment, you are expected to think and write about your own social identities, the way they intersect with each other, and the way your identities shape your life. After reading and reflecting on some identity-related topics, it is time to reflect on your own identities and the way they affect your path in life, your goals, your attitudes and perceptions, and the way others perceive you. This assignment is designed to help you reflect on the social construct of “social identity” and the ways in which your multiple social identities intersect in everyday life (for example, racial identity with class identity, religious identity with racial identity, sexual identity with gender identity, age identity with ability, etc.).

The assignment:  complete the following table, while reflecting on your own social identities. You can copy the table into a separate file. You may want to keep Introduction to Social Identities open so that you can reference the definitions of social groups as you fill out the chart.

Note that some of your identities are considered dominant in our society, while others are considered as subordinate. Please notice that sometimes it is difficult to decide whether an identity is dominant or subordinate, and it is okay not to know. Also notice that “disadvantaged” identities are usually more noticeable to people than “privileged” identities, since “privilege” is often accepted as the norm.

  1. Read the previous chapters about core concepts and social identities.
  2. Using the chart below, fill in your own social identities in the spaces provided.
  3. Next, write a reflections paragraph. Reflect on your identities, the intersections between them, and the way they affect your path in life, your goals, your self-perception, your behaviors and attitudes, and the way these identities affect the way others perceive you.
  4. Finally, write a second reflections paragraph, focusing on the ways your identities and the intersections affect your role as an instructor and affect the classroom culture.
Social Identity My Identity Dominant / Subordinate Privileges or disadvantages Usually associated with the identity My privileges or disadvantages Comments
Social Class
Ability Level
Sexual Orientation
Religious affiliation
Age Cohort
Level of English Speaking
Level of Education
Immigration/Native Status



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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Sharon Raz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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