Storytelling Discussion (2023)

Rex Rempel

In BHAV 412 Human Service Ethics, I have a Storytelling discussion board mid-quarter.

We must be aware of inequities in our community and systems of care if we are to address them. These societal problems can exist in our healthcare and human services systems, just as they do elsewhere. Therefore I invite everyone to share stories about times when our “helpers” caused harm. I ask everyone (even those who are not sharing) to listen to one another.

What to discuss

Consider what you’ve seen. Recall a time when you or someone you know experienced racism, sexism, or another form of discrimination when seeking human services or healthcare. (That is, times when going for help actually exposed people to more harm.)

Record yourself telling that story. Take your time. Share what you can of the following:

  • the individual’s needs (e.g. reasons for seeking services) and situation
  • the type of services sought
  • what racism, sexism, or another form of discrimination they experienced when seeking humans services or healthcare
  • their response
  • how the experience impacted them
  • how it may have impacted others (e.g., their loved ones, other clients, the community, the service provider, the agency…)
  • what you make of the situation/your reflection

I expect that telling the full story will take several minutes at least.

Submit that recording.

To protect privacy, you do not need to name or identify the person affected. You can use a pseudonym and simply refer to “they” and “them.” Omit any details that would make the identity of that person obvious to the instructor or your classmates.

The instructor asks that community members not share one another’s stories outside of the class. (The instructor will only do so if required by law or if necessary to protect human safety).

Note: Please share a story if you have one regarding yourself or someone you know, related to their experiences seeking healthcare or human services. Don’t tell a story just to submit something, please.

How to do so

Using your phone or some other device record yourself in a natural setting, in a spot that is important to you, where you feel at home. Save the file.

Click the reply button below.

You can use the Canvas Studio feature to record right into this assignment.

This is not a formal presentation. You can use natural language. Video quality is not important. You don’t need to impress anyone; just be yourself. No visual aids are expected, no PowerPoint is needed, but you are free to show us around if you’d like.

Please record your video before watching others’. Please watch all your classmates’ video introductions after you’ve submitted your own.

Set your own personal boundaries. Share the information you’d like your classmates and instructor to have, but keep private whatever you need.

Thank you.


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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Rex Rempel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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