Weekly Feedback: Connections (2021)

Linda Costarella


In each module, I have placed an assignment that is not graded. However, I offer it as an opportunity for you to let me know how you feel you are doing in the class. There will be questions designed to let me know where you feel you are, as well as to let me know if there are aspects of the class that concern you. In the first week, I will also ask you what you expect to get out of the class, including the grade you are aiming for. This will give me the opportunity to help you along the way and avoid last-minute issues. You may also ask questions here about anything: clarifications of things discussed, additional questions on other topics you have. I will answer you directly or answer it in a note to all students if it seems as if others would likely want to know. If you have a question about an assignment or study guide question, it might be better, in the interest of time, to e-mail me and ask the question or ask for a time to talk about it. Again, it is not graded, but your feedback will help you get the most out of the class. Please let me know if you would like assistance, and we can make an appointment for a Zoom or phone call to discuss the issue(s).


Each week we will have a new topic for discussion. This might involve expressing your thoughts on something, commenting on a video, or reading something to comment on. I try to have a relevant topic for each week’s area of study.

Please write your comments using complete sentences and watching for correct grammar and spelling. Your comments should be at a college level, and you should express yourself in detail. After your comments have been entered, click on the reply button within another student’s comments and reply in detail to them. Why do you agree or disagree and what do you think of their comments? You can respond to more than one student’s post. Please remember to be courteous in your responses. There are 20 points possible: 10 points for your comments, and 10 points for your response. Points would be lost for being late, for spelling or grammar errors, or for nonsubstantive responses. You may work ahead as much as you want. However, keep in mind that the topics are assigned in an effort to relate to our week’s material. For some students, it might prove more helpful to cover the discussion during the week that the topic is brought up.


When writing e-mails to me or to other students and in writing your discussion responses in Canvas, please remember the following:

  1. Each individual has the right to her or his own opinion and should not be criticized or belittled for her or his point of view or statements.
  2. Keep in mind the bounty of diversity that Lake Washington Institute enjoys. One of the most important principles we will emphasize in your studies here, especially in health care, is that these differences are to be honored and celebrated rather than derided or misunderstood.
  3. Please do not use social media jargon or abbreviations in your online communications. This is true of e-mails, discussion posts, and homework submissions. Of course, do not use vulgarities either.
  4. When I grade, I take into consideration not only the accuracy and completion of your statements but also whether you are using correct grammar and spelling. I understand if English is not your first language, and I am not an English composition instructor, but please read your posts or submissions to yourself to see whether they represent your best writing. I reserve the right to delete any posts that seriously break any of the first three rules above, and your grade could be affected by that change.


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Diversity and Social Justice – Faculty Guide (2024 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Linda Costarella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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