
Chapter 4. Errors in Reasoning: Where We Go Wrong



  1. Informal Fallacies
    1. Fallacies of: Irrelevant Support
      1. Appeal to Ignorance
      2. Misplacing Burden of Proof
      3. Appeal to Inappropriate Authority
      4. Appeal to the masses (popularity) / Groupthink
      5. Appeal to Tradition
      6. Appeal to Common Practice
      7. Appeal to Emotion(s) / Peer Pressure
      8. Scare Tactics / Argument from Force
      9. Gambler’s Fallacy
      10. Fallacy of Composition
      11. Fallacy of Division
    2. Fallacies of: Inadequate Support
      1. False Cause (Post Hoc)
      2. Hasty Generalization
      3. Faulty Analogy
    3. Fallacies of: Assumed Support
      1. False Dilemma
        1. Perfectionist Fallacy
        2. Line Drawing Fallacy
      2. Loaded (Complex) Question
      3. Begging the Question
      4. Slippery Slope
    4. Fallacies of: Critique
      1. Ad hominem
        1. Personal Attack
        2. Accusation of Inconsistency
        3. Circumstantial
        4. Poisoning the Well
        5. You Too (Tu Quoque)
      2. Genetic Fallacy
      3. Loaded Words
      4. Straw Person
      5. “Pooh-pooh” / Lack of Charity
    5. Fallacies of: Defense
      1. Exception “Proves” the Rule
      2. Two Wrongs Make a Right
      3. Appeal to Nature
    7. Power of Clarity
      1. Vagueness
        1. Vagueness as Fuzziness
        2. Vagueness of Quantity/Type
      2. Ambiguity
        1. Word Ambiguity / Equivocation
        2. Referential Ambiguity
        3. Grammatical Ambiguity
          1. PRACTICE
    8. Rhetorical Devices:
      1. Red Herring / Smokescreen / Dodge
        1. Whataboutism
      2. Apple Polishing
      3. Euphemism
      4. Dysphemism
      5. Rhetorical Analogy
      6. Rhetorical Definition
      7. Rhetorical Explanation
      8. Innuendo
      9. Loaded Question
      10. Weaseler
      11. Hyperbole
      12. Stereotype
      13. Sarcasm
      14. Down Player
      15. Proof Surrogate


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