
Chapter 8. Truth and Knowledge


  1. Truth 
    1. Importance of Definitions
    2. Necessary v. Contingent Truths
    3. Theories of Truth: A Brief Introduction
      1. Pragmatism
      2. Coherence
      3. Correspondence
      4. Relativism
      5. Postmodernism
    4. PRACTICE:
  2. Knowledge
    1. How We Come to Know Things: A Brief Introduction to Epistemology
      1. Rationalism
      2. Empiricism
      3. Kantian Synthesis
      4. Standpoint Theory
    2. Knowledge v. Mere True Belief
      1. Theories of Justification & Rationality
      2. Doubt & Defeaters of Knowledge
      3. PRACTICE


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How to Think For Yourself Copyright © 2023 by Rebeka Ferreira, Anthony Ferrucci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.