
2 Active ERGs and member sign-up

ERGs at Pierce College

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are defined as employee networks dedicated to learning, empowerment, and building solidarity in community while fulfilling the mission of the college. By encouraging networking and a sense of belonging across employee units, Pierce College benefits from the learning and feedback of a continual process of improvements generated by participation in Employee Resource Groups.

The following ERGs are currently active:

  • Village of Color
  • Men of Color Barbershop
  • Women of Color
  • Queer ERG
  • Asian Community
  • Embracing Neurodiversity
  • Mixed/Multi-Race ERG
  • White Allies, Advocates, Accomplices, and Activists for Racial Justice

ERG missions and listservs

Village of Color

The Village of Color ERG welcomes individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds to share experiences, challenges, and successes within the community.

Sign up for the VOC listserv

Men of Color Barbershop

A safe forum for men of color to engage in candid conversations, seek mentorship, and build a network of support.

Sign up for the MOCB listserv

Women of Color

A space for women of color to connect, support one another, and discuss relevant topics in an empowering environment.

Sign up for the WOC listserv

Queer ERG

An inclusive space for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies to share experiences, provide support, and foster an inclusive environment.

Sign up for the Queer listserv

Asian Community

The mission of the Asian Community of Pierce College is to build a shared space for the Asian community where community is built and lived experiences are shared, heard, processed, and supported. Traditionally, Asian community is often referred to as AA (Asian American), but the term was created by White systems to enunciate the “American-ness” of a group of individuals who are often always viewed as perpetual foreigners in the U.S. regardless of citizenship status. Through Asian community of Pierce College, there will be networking, multicultural events, professional development, community service, and most importantly shared healing in a society that largely operates through a lens of a Black/White binary.

Sign up for the AC listserv


Embracing Neurodiversity

The mission of Embracing Neurodiversity at Pierce College is to create an inclusive environment committed to celebrating the unique minds of a neurodiverse world. Our vision is to establish a voice for neurodiverse staff and faculty that raises awareness for atypical thinkers and facilitates professional enrichment and self-empowerment as neurodiverse professionals. This will be accomplished through education, advocacy, and outreach opportunities that builds solidarity amongst all employees of the Pierce College community who support the mission of Embracing Neurodiversity.

Sign up for the EN listserv


Mixed/Multi-Race ERG

The mission of the Mixed and Mutli Race Employee Resource Group at Pierce College is to provide a space for those who feel they are in between (this is purposely left fairly vague considering a lot of those who identify as more than one race/ethnicity sometimes don’t feel they fit with only one-side or another, but more in between). Through open forums, discussions, and community building, we aim to build a space where those in the in-between have already been standing. We believe every individual should be seen as whole and entirety of who they are and aim to build a space for that.

Sign up for the MER listserv

White Allies, Advocates, Accomplices, and Activists for Racial Justice

An opportunity for individuals to chat, learn, listen, and take action in supporting diversity and inclusion efforts as white allies.

Sign up for the WAAAA listserv





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