
Archived PD Calendars: AY 23/24

Here are some past calendars, in case you need to reference events that were held in 2023.

Fall 2023 Calendar

Category of Professional Learning


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

ELAD Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month –  September 15th – October 15th (asynchronous)

    • Join us in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with an asynchronous Sway presentation. Explore the rich cultural contributions of the Hispanic community and gain a deeper understanding of its history and traditions.

ERGs – LinkedIn Learning Course asynchronous /anytime, log in to Bridge to access this training.

    • In preparation for the relaunch of our Employee Resource Groups through ELAD, we invite colleagues who are unfamiliar with ERGs to learn more about the importance and value of Employee Resources Groups. This LinkedIn Learning course delves into the importance of ERGs, their benefits, and how to effectively establish and manage them within our college community.

ELAD Celebrates LGBTQIA2S+ History Month (asynchronous)

    • Embrace the diversity and history of the LGBTQIA2S+ community through an asynchronous workshop. Learn about significant events, figures, and milestones in LGBTQIA2S+ history, promoting inclusivity and awareness.

ELAD Celebrates Native American Heritage Day (asynchronous)

    • Recognize the Native American cultures and people who help to shape American culture. Celebrate and reflect on Native American rights and sovereignty. Visit virtual exhibits of Native American art and history.

Inclusive Practices

PT Faculty Orientation: IP – Sept 14th (in-person) & Oct 6th (Zoom)

    • This early Fall quarter workshop offering was tailored for part-time faculty members. If you were unable to join us on September 14th or October 6th, email ELAD@pierce.ctc.edu for access to the materials shared and information on the Winter 2024 offering.

Free Webinar: The Four Connections – Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 10-11 a.m.

Free Webinar: Designing Inclusive and Accessible OER Courses: A Focus on Equity, Diversity, and Universal Design for Learning – Wednesday, November 15, 2023

      • Registration is available at the informative link. This free webinar hosted by CCCOER includes a panel presentation about designing with Universal Design for Learning and EDI principles.

Free Webinar: Alternative Grading Options in Canvas – Tuesday, December 5, 2023, 1-2:15 p.m.

Accessibility Basics: MS Word – Dec 5th at 3 p.m. in SNR121 at FS and Zoom

      • Are you interested in advancing inclusivity and equity at our college? Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans have a disability? Join us to explore how you can create more accessible and inclusive Microsoft Word documents. This is the first in a series of workshops focused on digital accessibility. 

Social Learning Innovator Awards Unveiled: Winning Strategies for Classroom Transformation: Hypothes.is in action session. – December 6, 9-10 a.m. PST (free vendor webinar, registration available via the Hypothes.is website)

      • If you’re interested in how other teachers use Hypothes.is, this webinar will be a helpful session for you. It’s an opportunity to learn from other teachers how they use Hypothes.is, a social annotation tool embedded in Canvas.


PDP Supervisors’ Training – Nov 14th at 3pm FS CAS 402 and Zoom

    • Professional Development Plans are important and required tool for accountability related to our employees’ retention, success, and feelings of belonging. Part of the Professional Development Program (PDP), this training on November 14th at 3pm is designed for supervisors. Part I provides valuable insights and strategies for effective leadership and employee development for the first part of the PDP process. *Please pay close attention to the date of the workshop when you register.

PDP Supervisors’ Training – Nov 28th at 2pm FS CAS 402 and Zoom

    • Building on Part I, this second part of PDP Supervisors Training on November 28th at 2pm delves deeper into the evaluation portion of the PDP process. *Please pay close attention to the date of the workshop when you register.

Project Management and Skills Development

Microsoft 365 Training Workshop: Excel – November 9thth at 3pm in SNR121 at FS and Zoom

    • Excel in Microsoft 365 is a powerful tool for data analysis and organization. Join us on November 9th at 3pm to master the essential features of Excel and enhance your productivity.

Microsoft Teams for Calling – Basics – November 28, 29, 30, or December 1 (Times vary please select the time/date you prefer when you register.)

    • General users of Microsoft Teams (people who make some phone calls). Topics include: Overview of the Calling Interface | Call Settings | Receiving & Making Calls | Transfer Calls | Merge Calls | Adding Participants | Mobile App for Calling

Microsoft Teams for Calling – Advanced – November 28 or November 29, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm. (Please register via Microsoft Forms. It is recommended that participants in this workshop attend Basics training first.)

    • Recommended for Executives, Executive Assistants, Receptionists, Power Users of Teams Calling. Topics include: Basic Training + Call Groups | Delegation | Call Queues | Priority Access

An Introduction to Pierce College’s Tableau Data Dashboards – December 13 from 5-6:30 PM via Zoom (link shared after registration)

    • Since 2015, Pierce College has used the data visualization tool Tableau to support institutional data democratization. Pierce College Tableau users can access a variety of data dashboards that support our work in mission fulfillment.  Please join us for a virtual 90-minute introductory workshop on accessing and using the data in Pierce College and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) dashboards. This workshop may be eligible for winter break 2023 professional development compensatory time; please consult with your supervisor.We request that attendees enroll for this workshop by 12/12 at 12 PM for the Institutional Research (IR) Department to verify or create your Tableau user account.***Unable to make this session?  Be on the lookout for additional workshop opportunities in winter 2024.


Sleep is Your Superpower Course – LinkedIn Learning asynchronous /anytime

    • Discover the importance of quality sleep in this LinkedIn Learning course. Uncover the science behind sleep, its impact on cognitive function, and practical strategies to improve your sleep for enhanced performance and well-being.

November T3 at Fort Steilacoom – Thursday, November 16, 3-4 p.m.; EMS Area CAS Level 1, no registration required, just show up.

    • The EMS Department will host. Please join us on either campus for tea, light refreshments, and conversation!

November T3 at Puyallup – Thursday, November 16, 3-4 p.m.; Puyallup Library Classroom (LSC 224), no registration required, just show up.

    • President Chio Flores’ office will host. Please join us on either campus for tea, light refreshments, and conversation!


Winter 2024 Calendar

Winter 2024 Calendar

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Black History Month Online Session

  • When/Where: Bridge Session -Self-Guided
  • This self-guided training presents the purpose and history of Black History Month (February). It’s a reminder of the importance of celebrating Black history and culture.

Where Blooming Flowers Meet the Sky

  • When/Where: Sat, Feb 10, 10:00 AM; Mt. Tahoma High School
  • As part of the Theater Northwest Civil Rights Legacy Tour, this free community event is a new show. This is not sponsored by Pierce College. From the announcement, “This year’s NEW show follows the story of Zhuli, a young artist writing a new book of poetry. On her artistic journey, she is visited by three prominent ancestors from the 1960s civil rights era. Each one gives her a piece of wisdom from their experience, helping her to find her voice.” Click on the link to reserve a seat.

Celebrating Hidden Heroes

  • When/Where: Asynchronous Email – Self-Guided, sign-up available now
  • The City of Lakewood, in partnership with Clover Park School District, highlights Black and African American leaders who have made big impacts in our local community. Sign up for the email list, or follow the City of Lakewood website, Facebook page, or Instagram account to Hidden Hero updates. All links are available at the Celebrating Hidden Heroes Website.

ELAD Celebrates Black History Month

  • When/Where: Tuesday, February 13, 2:00-3:00 PM; Fort Steilacoom CAS 404 (in the Library), Puyallup ADM 108H, Zoom
  • Celebrate Black History Month as part of T3 with the ELAD team during this live event.

Beyond Words: Storytelling Through Indian Classical Dance

  • When/Where: Tuesday, February 20, 1:00-2:00 PM; Fort Steilacoom Blackbox Theater (CAS 320)
  • A description is forthcoming.

ELAD Celebrates Women’s History Month

  • When/Where: Tuesday, March 12, 2-3 PM; Fort Steilacoom CAS 404 (in the Library), Puyallup Library Classroom
  • Celebrate Women’s History Month with the ELAD team in this live event.

Introduction to the Bias Incident Response Team

  • When/Where: Thursday, March 14, 2-3 PM; Hyflex: In-person at Puyallup in CTR 178 or Zoom
  • Presenters: Julie Draper Davis & James Lett
  • Pierce College is preparing to launch a Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) in Spring 2024. BIRT’s primary focus will be to provide those who have witnessed or been a target of an anonymous act of bias an opportunity to be heard and supported. In addition, BIRT will coordinate a response to bias-related incidents and situations that may affect campus climate. This session will introduce the primary functions of the BIRT, discuss the reporting and response process, and ask participants to engage in a discussion about how BIRT can most effectively meet the needs of the campus community.

Inclusive Practices

Foundations of Accessible Elearning

  • When/Where: Bridge Session – Self-Guided
  • This self-guided Linked In Learning course introduces the concept of universal design, the idea that we can and should design accessible courses.

Embracing Two-Eyed Seeing for Revitalizing Sustainable Relations

  • When/Where: Self-Guided Online Article and Video
  • Darrion Letendre is the STEM and Land-based Learning Coordinator at Norquest College. The short article and keynote presentation introduce the idea of two-eyed seeing. The article states, “Two-eyed seeing is a way of describing the braiding of traditional education with indigenous ways of learning to expand access and knowledge.” The keynote session that is presented at the end of the article is an inspiring call to use this culturally sustainable practice.

Inclusive Pedagogy Microlearning Course from Columbia Basin College

  • When/Where: January 19-March 1, Self-paced online modules in Canvas, Registration closes January 16.
  • From the course announcement: “In this DEI course, we will explore five Inclusive Pedagogy topics: Anti-Bias and Culturally Responsive Teaching, Creating Authentic Assessments, Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT), Hybrid and Flipped Learning, and Fostering a Sense of Belonging in your Classroom. This online microlearning course is designed to give you a dynamic learning experience and provide you with an active learning environment where you can explore ideas, get inspired by what your peers are doing, and understand the range of strategies on Inclusive Pedagogy topics. We hope that you will leave each module with practical solutions that you can implement in your classroom right away.” Total time commitment is estimated at 4-6 hours.

HYPE Professional Development Series

  • When/Where: Tuesday, January 23, Puyallup Multi-Purpose Room (MPR), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM; Wednesday, January 24, Fort Steilacoom Performance Lounge (CAS), 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Join us for an empowering professional development event where a vibrant community of students and career advising professionals come together. This event serves to advance personal and professional growth, giving students a platform to explore their unique strengths and interests. Prepare to take strides in advancing your career and unlocking new opportunities in a nurturing and inclusive space. Note: This event is designed for and with students. However, all of our Pierce College Community is invited.
  • Deliverable: A diverse student body will use the HYPE platform to advance equity and social capital, discover strengths and interests, build career community, develop professional skills, and advance their careers.

Annotate, Collaborate, Elevate: A Recipe for Student Success this Semester

  • When/Where: Tuesday, January 23, 10:00 AM, Online Webinar
  • This is a webinar hosted by Hypothes.is a social annotation tool that is embedded in Canvas.
  • From the Workshop Description: “During this informative session, the Hypothesis team will guide you through a range of creative ideas for annotation assignments. Whether you’re considering annotating course documents like syllabi or exploring diverse annotation strategies for course readings, we’ve got you covered.”

Hypothesis Academy

  • When/Where: Two Online Asynchronous Sessions, Time varies based on registration
  • From the Hypothesis Website: “Hypothesis Academy features asynchronous courses designed to teach you not only how to use the Hypothesis tool, but how to design social annotation assignments to best support your students’ learning. All courses offer the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other educators using Hypothesis across North America and the globe. Each course culminates in an Hypothesis Certified Educator badge and certificate, which you can share on social media or download/save for your portfolio.”
    • Note: Pierce College is a partner institution, so courses are free for participants from Pierce College.

Inclusive Gradebook

  • When/Where: Wednesday, February 14, 2:00-3:00 PM, Zoom
  • Facilitators: Kate Weber, Vernon Ng, Lizz Zitron, Chris Cook, Liu Yang
  • This session explores alternative ways of grading, including mastery gradebook, Specs grading, labor-based grading and ungrading. Participants will weigh different grading methods and identify a system/ combination of methods that works best for their teaching goals.  

Accessibility Basics: Canvas

  • When/Where: Thursday, February 29, 3:00-4:00 PM, Zoom
  • Do you want to learn how to improve your students’ user experience in Canvas while creating a more inclusive online classroom? Join us to explore how you can improve accessibility in your Canvas course. This is the second in a series of workshops focused on digital accessibility.

De-escalation with Extended Learning

  • When/Where: Thursday, March 7, 3:00-4:00 PM, Fort Steilacoom, Zoom
  • Join our faculty of the Extended Learning division to gain professional tools for de-escalating heated situations in the workplace. This session will cover reaching positive outcomes when de-escalating oneself and introducing principles of VDSP to diffuse others in tenuous interpersonal exchanges. 

Using Course Design Templates to Enhance Learning

  • When/Where: Thursday, March 14, 3:00-4:00 PM, Zoom
  • This workshop is focused on integrating Canvas design templates developed by ELAD that can help streamline your course design process and will explore ways that generative AI tools like ChatGPT can be used for design tasks


Unlocking Authentic Communication in a Culturally Diverse Workplace

  • When/Where: Bridge Session – Self-Guided
  • From the Course Description: “What does it take to be a great communicator, particularly in a global and culturally diverse modern workplace? The answer is largely authenticity. In this course, Jonathan Wilson teaches key principles of authentic communication, real-world tips for practicing authentic communication, and how to develop cultural awareness so you can build relationships, support colleagues from underrepresented groups, and be a more effective professional. Jonathan explores what it means to be authentic in a way that celebrates who you are, resonates with others, highlights the importance of cultural differences, and energizes those around you. It may take a while and some work to attain competence and expertise in these areas, but if you’re looking to be someone who can connect with anybody with ease, navigate tricky conversations, and learn what matters to people, join Jonathan in this course.”

PDPs for Supervisors: Part 1 Expectations

  • When/Where: Monday, February 12, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Fort Steilacoom CAS 219 or via Zoom
  • Professional Development Plans are important tool for accountability related to our employees’ retention, success, and feelings of belonging. During this session we will discuss the importance of PDPs, examine the process for submitting a PDP, and provide guidance into the process of writing and reviewing a PDP with an employee.

PDPs for Supervisors: Part 2 Evaluation

  • When/Where: Tuesday, February 13, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM, Fort Steilacoom CAS 219 or via Zoom
  • Professional Development Plans are important tools for accountability related to our employees’ retention, success, and feelings of belonging. During this session, we will discuss the importance of part 2 (Evaluation) of the PDP process. We’ll focus on how to review goals and consider the next steps in making professional learning goals with employees.

Tableau Training

  • Facilitators: Jamie Jones and Allison Sieving
  • When/Where: Friday, February 16, 2:00-3:30 PM or Thursday, March 14, 10:00-11:30 AM or Monday, March 18th, 10:00-11:30 AM, Zoom
  • Since 2015, Pierce College has used the data visualization tool Tableau to support institutional data democratization. Pierce College Tableau users can access a variety of data dashboards that support our work in mission fulfillment. Please join us for a virtual 90-minute introductory workshop on accessing and using the data in Pierce College and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) dashboards.

Supervisory Academy

  • When/Where: Apply by March 1st at 5 p.m. Date of workshop: Thursday, April 4th, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM at Clover Park Technical College
  • CPTC is excited to offer another live professional development experience with expert facilitators for emerging leaders and managers. There is a full day of workshops to choose from, with workshops designed to help prepare attendees to effectively lead and develop their employees and teams from a supervisory role.  In each session, attendees will gain new ideas and practices to help them further develop as supervisors.
  • Use this Pierce College Supervisory Academy Application to apply.

Project Management and Skills Development

Managing Projects with Microsoft Teams

  • When/Where: Bridge Session – Self-Guided
  • From the course description: “Microsoft Teams is the communication and teamwork hub of Microsoft 365. Teams brings together the conversations, files, and meetings that team members collaborate on together—making it an ideal tool for managing projects. In this course, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Microsoft MVP, and project manager Heather Severino walks through everything you need to know to manage small- to medium-sized projects in Teams. Heather starts by showing how to set up a team and manage permissions. She then covers how to manage files, connect SharePoint lists and pages, take notes, manage online meetings, and collect project feedback. Plus, Heather explains how to be even more efficient in Teams by using keyboard shortcuts and leveraging existing teams as templates.”

Adjunct Faculty Transition Support Workshop

  • When/Where: Thursday, January 11, 2:00 PM, Zoom
  • During this 1-hour workshop, Adie Kleckner and Sam Snoek-Brown will share how they transitioned from part-time to full-time positions; you will hear insights, tips, and best practices for transitioning or advancing in the adjunct faculty leveling process.

Quick Invoice Training

  • When/Where: February 15, March 15, and/or April 15, 1:00-2:30, FS CAS 219
  • These trainings are for anyone in any department who sends vendor invoices to Accounts Payable for them to be paid. This means anyone who creates voucher distributions, PO requisitions or sends invoices to AP to be paid against a PO.

Microsoft Forms for Staff and Faculty

  • When/Where: Thursday, March 21, 2:00-3:00 PM,
  • In this one-hour workshop, participants will learn how to create surveys and streamline departmental program applications using Microsoft Forms. Facilitators will guide attendees through the process of designing custom surveys, setting up conditional logic, and managing responses. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage Microsoft Forms for college surveys and departmental program applications.


Staying Positive in the Face of Negativity

  • When/Where: Bridge Session – Self-Guided
  • This Linked In Learning session will take 56 minutes and presents a way to remain positive when negativity surrounds you.

Cooking Demonstration

When/Where: February 29, 4:00-5:00 PM, via Zoom

Description: Join us via Zoom to see a cooking demonstration of a healthy, budget-friendly meal that can be cooked for families.

Inclusive Practice of Wholeness: Indoor Planting

  • Facilitators: Anjali Mills & Kim Allen
  • When/Where: March 6, 3:00-4:00 PM, Fort Steilacoom CAS 530, Zoom
  • Unlock the transformative power of nature within the confines of your professional space! Join us for an immersive session on “Fostering Wholeness Using Plants in the Working Space,” where we explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants to enhance well-being, productivity, and creativity in the workplace. 


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