
Thank you for reading this manual and taking an interest in the improvement of the world and society which we have inherited. Together, we can make it a better place for future generations and “leave it better than we found it”. If you’d like to explore a career in advocacy or even just expand your personal knowledge, there is a plethora of free resources that you can explore, just a few are listed below. Remember that knowledge is power. Finally, when we know justice, we know peace–but no justice, no peace. Whether online or holding a sign, see you “out there” on the frontlines fighting for justice.


-Shahida Rice, MPH PhD


Knowledge Is Power

Image source: Created by User:KeithTyler. It is a variant of the clenched fist motif which has been widely used by leftist, workers, groups since the midcentury. The motif itself is no longer under copyright (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fist.svg).
Image source: Created by User:KeithTyler. It is a variant of the clenched fist motif which has been widely used by leftist, workers, groups since the midcentury. The motif itself is no longer under copyright (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fist.svg).


  1. Check out coursera.com for free/paid access to courses/certifications/degrees​
  2. Take free human rights online courses offered by the United Nations (UN), leading NGOs and top universities. Learn how the United Nations and other human rights organizations tackle the most pressing human rights issues of our time.​https://www.humanrightscareers.com/courses/


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