
3 Why Advocacy?

Now, more than ever, is the time to advocate and have your voice heard. As a democracy, Americans have the privilege and responsibility to interact and educate our government officials. As students of public health, you are the new generation of leaders in the field and up-to-date on current events and latest paradigm shifts in public health thought/practice. You are fresh and unjaded! You are not entrenched in the daily and mundane bureaucracy that bogs down so many who have worked in government and agencies for years. You have the time, knowledge, and passion to make a difference—and THAT makes all the difference!​

By contacting leaders and representatives, you can sway minds and votes. You can rally public opinion and support for life-saving measures. ​Even IF your elected representative is a supporter/ally, they are still worth contacting. They tally the support they receive on issues they “go to bat for”, so to speak, and how their votes are received by their constituents.  ​

Finally, advocacy is not only relevant when it comes to government processes and votes, it is also tantamount in the evolution and formation of public knowledge and opinion. Sharing information, dismantling misinformation, dispelling stereotypes, and promoting healthy lifestyle choices is crucial work.


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