Part 4: Global Business Technology
In this section, we’ll discuss business technology in terms of the world around us. While this part of the book is referred to as ‘global’ business technology, the emphasis is more on the impact of and on us of our digital reality. Big data, changes and advancements in technology, issues of privacy and security, use of supply chains and energy, worldwide connectivity, and our own places in the workplace qualifies because we live in a 24/7 multinational market of products, services, experiences, jobs, and peoples’ diverse needs.
This textbook is meant to be a starting point for instructors and interested readers. Instructors may choose to add specific global topics and context into their curriculum as they relate to business technology. Also, world events, politics, situations, challenges, and influences of and on us are complicated, vast, and more suited for coverage and discussion in specific courses/programs like:
- Anthropology
- Civics
- Ecology (and related)
- Economics
- History
- International Studies
- Journalism
- Business (marketing, supply management)
- Multiculturalism
- Political Science
- Sociology