4.2 The Role of Environment on Development
Angela Blums, Ph.D.
The way that children are cared for impacts how they develop. An environment filled with loving, responsive caregivers works wonders on a child’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Conversely, an environment filled with toxic stress Physical or emotional abuse, neglect, witnessing of physical or emotional abuse of another person, or extreme poverty] will slow down healthy development of children and those adults caring for them. Signs of toxic stress include physical or emotional abuse, neglect, or witnessing of physical or emotional abuse of another person. Toxic stress, which can lead to childhood trauma, can be detrimental to the early childhood stages of development (Center on the Developing Child, n.d.). It can also impact social, emotional, and cognitive development, lower academic achievement, and lead to long term health-related issues such as cardiovascular problems. It is important to create an environment for the child that includes safe, sensitive, and supportive care.
stress that is beyond the child’s ability to process without adult help