
10.1 What Is Behavior?

Ardene Niemer, M.Ed.

According to Merriam-Webster, behavior is a noun, and used to describe “the way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves,” “the manner of conducting oneself,” as in “anything that an organism (like a child) does involving action and response to stimulation,” and “the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment,” and finally, “the way in which something functions or operates” (2024).

You learned  about temperament in Chapter 4 . Temperament is a child’s regular way of reacting with their environment, and is a developmental characteristic that intersects social, emotional, and physical development. Because it has genetic underpinnings, behavior includes not only the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, but especially how one acts or interacts toward others. Likewise, behavior is the way a person acts in response to a particular situation. Behavior has two purposes:

  • to get something or
  • to avoid something

Children learn all behaviors. They learn from watching others and from the reactions they get in response to behavior. As behavior is learned, it can also be unlearned. When we stop and ask the question, “Why is this behavior occurring?” we can identify the opportunity to teach new, more appropriate behaviors as replacement.

All behavior is communication. This communication happens every moment of every day. This important function is a signal that a child may not have the words or skills to tell you what they need, so they communicate with behavior (Morin, n.d.). Sometimes a child does not even know what they need! When we understand and acknowledge this communication that is the basis of unwanted behavior or “misbehavior,” we can work to change that communication into a form that is socially acceptable, safe, and healthy.

Behavior is observable. It is what we see and what we can hear, such as a child throwing a block, standing up, speaking, whispering, yelling, or arguing with a classmate. On the reverse side, behavior is how a feeling is expressed, not what the child is feeling. An example of expressing a feeling is that a child may show anger by rolling her eyes, making a face, yelling, or crossing his arms, and turning away from the adult. These are observable actions and are more descriptive than just stating that the child looks anxious.

Behavior is measurable. This means that the early care and education professional can define and describe the behavior in objective, concrete, fact-based terms. The adult can easily identify the behavior when it occurs, including when the behavior begins, ends, and how often it occurs. An example of this is taken from circle time and a child who is “interrupting all the time.” This behavior is not measurable because it is not specific. However, stating that “Holly yells, ‘teacher!’ 4 times during circle time” is specific, and we can measure and track the data each day at circle time. Using this operational definition of objective data, anyone observing in the classroom would be able to identify specifically which behavior the teacher is working to change.

Behavior does not occur in isolation (Delahooke, 2019). The process of behavior has three parts:

  1. The action or event that comes first (the trigger).
  2. The resulting behavior(s).
  3. The consequences of or reaction to the behavior.

Behaviors are visible. This visibility is in terms of desired and undesired behaviors. Think for a moment in terms of behavior being like a tree and its root system. Above the ground we see and observe the behavior. What we do not see is the part of the tree and its root system that is below the ground. It is the same with behavior. We see the actions and manifestations of the behavior. We do not see the underlying characteristics of feelings, thinking, and attitude(s).

Behavior falls under the domain of social and emotional development. Children are born with the want and need to connect with those around them. When parents and teachers along with other caregivers create positive relationships with children beginning at birth and continuing through the early years, they support and are responsive to their diverse cultures and languages. Children who have strong social and emotional skills are more likely to feel safe and secure in life. These children also have the skills to create a base for strong and positive relationships. Those relationships are observed in how children experience the world, how they express themselves, manage their emotions, and establish strong and meaningful relationships with others.

“Where did we ever get the crazy idea that to make children do better, first we have to make them feel worse?”
Jane Nelsen et al. (2001, p. 49)

Observable (seen) and Unobservable (unseen) Behavior

Let’s begin this section with a visual. In the following photo is a tree on the side of a cliff. Above the ground, the leaves and branches represent what is seen or observable related to behavior(s).

Below the ground, the roots represent what is not seen and therefore unobservable, related to behavior(s).

It’s important to remember the concept of observable vs. unobservable as related to behaviors because it is not always possible to see the root cause of the behaviors. This chapter will help early childhood educators to be better prepared for many kinds of behaviors in the classroom and home.

Deciduous tree on the side of a cliff with visible roots. This image shows that behavior can also be seen or unseen.
Figure 10.1. Exposed gnarly roots in Fall River Park / Photo Credit: Martin LaBar, CC BY-NC 2.0

Behaviors are an outcome (or result) that can be observed. Above the ground the behaviors, the behaviors that can be observed–what children say and do– might include indicators adapted from Mona Delahooke’s work Beyond Behaviors (2019):

  • saying nice things to others or nothing at all
  • asking the person to borrow their belonging before using it
  • follow directions the first time
  • working quietly while others finish their work
  • keeping hands and feet to self
  • raising hand and waiting quietly
  • respecting others
  • being agreeable
  • calling other students bad names
  • taking other students’ belongings without asking
  • arguing or refusing to comply with adult requests or directions
  • disturbing others while they are working
  • punching or kicking others
  • blurting out answers
  • bullying others
  • arguing

A child’s behavior may not be communicating what it seems outwardly. Every behavior has a motivation or purpose. While we cannot assume that we know the motivation for the behavior, we can observe the results of the motivations. Those observations must be objective, factual, and descriptive to assist in identification of the motivation. Any of these motivations can be the reason for behavior (Delahooke, 2019):

  • I feel angry.
  • I feel frustrated.
  • I feel scared.
  • I feel happy.
  • I feel loved.
  • I feel proud.
  • I feel lonely.
  • I feel worried.
  • I feel embarrassed.
  • I feel sad.
  • I feel sick.
  • I am tired.
  • I am hungry.
  • Am I safe?
  • Do I belong?
  • Am I respected?
  • Am I understood?
  • Am I accepted?
  • Do I matter?
  • Am I loved?
  • Can I do things by myself?

Also under the surface that are not seen are (Delahooke, 2019):

  • social skills
  • basic needs
  • physical safety
  • need to belong
  • security
  • hunger
  • thoughts
  • sadness
  • executive functioning
  • environmental stressors
  • attention
  • sleep
  • attachment
  • need for connection
  • need for attention
  • sensory needs
  • emotions
  • self-esteem
  • developmental level
  • fear
  • anger
  • power

The theory behind the tree and root provides a visual model of childhood behavior. In considering this model, there are many things that influence the way that children act and react. These influences include the child’s skills, knowledge, experience, social role or values, self-image, traits, and motives. Under the surface in the root system; it is essential to consider the importance of the unseen forces that can shape and influence behaviors.

As adults, we need to take the time to understand behavior and the motivations or causes of behavior. True behavior “problems” or challenges are those that are continuous and that get in the child’s way of social relationships, communication, and learning. These misunderstood behaviors can potentially cause harm to the child, the family, other children, and other adults.

Woman on phone is annoyed. Photo portrays intent vs. impact (intent of the conversation had a different impact on the listener).
Figure 10.2. Intent Vs. Impact / Photo Credit: Alex Green, Pexels License

Have you heard of the distinction between intent and impact? Intent refers to the motives driving our actions or conversations, originating from our thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, impact relates to how others feel in response to our words or deeds. It encompasses the emotional reaction they experience. Recognizing this difference can facilitate  better communication. By expressing our intent, we can help both children and adults understand our perspective (ADL Education, 2022). And by considering the impact of our actions and words, we can avoid unintentional harm. It’s essential to keep in mind both intent and impact when interacting with others. It can truly make a significant difference in the communication process.


All behaviors are communication, all behaviors have meaning and purpose, and are both seen and unseen. Think in terms of the tree presented above.

  • The leaves and branches are seen, and we can observe changes and growth.
  • The roots are below ground, hidden, and not easy to see or observe, yet they are a vital part of the whole tree.
  • The same can be said for behavior.
  • Some aspects are easily seen or observed, while the invisible characteristics are equally important to determining motivation and change.

Now, draw your own image of a tree and list behaviors you have seen or experienced on the leaves, branches, and roots of the tree.


  1. Figure 10.1: Exposed gnarly roots in Fall River Park by Martin LaBar is released under CC BY-NC 2.0
  2. Figure 10.2: image released under the Pexels License


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