
8.2 Indoor Learning Environment Design

Jennifer Karshna, Ph.D.

The indoor learning environment reflects the teacher’s thoughts about children, how they learn and play in the environment, and the values of the program and the community. Additionally, children should see themselves reflected in the environment through the materials, photos, artwork, and other items within the classroom (Bullard, 2013; Carter & Curtis, 2014). Questions to consider are: Do they see pictures of their families? Are there books with children that look like them? Are there places to feel safe and places they can explore and be loud? Are the materials accessible with just the right amount of challenge without being too difficult to use? When the children see themselves reflected in the environment and the atmosphere, and when the room arrangement and the materials are thoughtfully prepared, this allows children to engage and play. They are likely to experience a sense of belonging and community (Carter & Curtis, 2014; McKee & Friedlander, 2017; NAEYC, 2022).

This section of the chapter will describe aspects of designing an indoor learning environment.  Keep in mind that learning environments are designed with knowledge of child development, therefore environments for infants/toddlers, preschoolers, and K-3 are different from one another. This chapter will address the general guiding principles for designing environments for young children, as an overview. Other sources can provide detailed information regarding environments for each age group.

The key elements in a well-designed indoor environment are: 1. Room arrangement is conducive to play and all the activities in the daily schedule. 2. Materials are appropriate for the developmental level of the children and allow for all children to use them including those who have disabilities. 3. Materials and other items (items displayed on walls and elsewhere) are culturally diverse and do not perpetuate stereotypes (Bullard, 2013; Carter & Curtis, 2014; Head Start ECLKC, n.d.; NAEYC, 2022).

The design and layout of the indoor environment can have an impact on children’s learning and behavior as well as on the teacher’s ability to do their jobs effectively. Effective indoor environments support children’s interactions and play with clear organization around space, materials, and people. When a classroom is set up effectively, children have the freedom to move around safely, engage in the interest areas, and socialize. These environments also help both children and adults feel invited and welcomed.

Each space within a classroom should be defined with boundaries that are made clear. In addition, the teacher should be able to see children easily to supervise and interact with them (Gartrell, 2014; National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning, 2012). Thoughtful room arrangement helps to keep order to the space, reduces the possibility of crowding in any given area, and can support children in their choice making. This can be achieved by using existing walls or furniture such as toy shelves. An area rug or a cloth draped from the ceiling can give the illusion of separation.

Create spaces for children to engage in quiet play such as puzzles or books. Such spaces can be made cozy with carpet, pillows, or child-sized couches which also absorb sound. Also provide space for indoor active play, paying close attention to movement patterns so as not to interrupt the different types of play in a classroom.

Interest Areas

Interest areas, sometimes referred to as learning centers or activity zones, are spaces in a learning environment that have a targeted purpose. Typical interest areas include art, blocks, dramatic play, math (manipulative, table toys), sensory, science, language arts (literacy), and library (quiet corner, books). Interest areas should be open to children during free play. Children will explore interest areas on their own or with peers. During free play, teachers observe, assess, and interact with children to support their learning in all domains, and doing so promotes positive behavior (Bullard, 2013; Gartrell, 2014). Interest areas should be equipped with materials that support children’s natural tendency to play and learn and provide opportunities to take social/emotional, cognitive, and physical risks (NAEYC, 2022). Descriptions of common interest areas found in early learning environments are listed below.

Art: Encouraging children’s creative thinking is essential throughout the early years. Art is a tool for thinking and inquiry, allowing children to make their theories and ideas visible, take new perspectives, represent, and explore emotions, and to study the properties of the physical world. Art, which also can be referred to as creative expression, should be open-ended, child-directed, and process-oriented. Open-ended activities and materials allow children to explore and to express their ideas. Art areas can help children to develop coordination and fine motor skills, which are needed for emergent writing. Materials may include paint, paint brushes, easels, collage materials, scissors, clay and playdough, colored paper, magazines, popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and a large selection of loose parts. Art areas are best supported with plenty of light and are near handwashing sinks and easy-to-clean floors.

Blocks: Blocks are wonderful, open-ended learning materials with no right or wrong way to represent children’s ideas. Many skills and concepts are developed and enhanced through block play. Children think critically, explore, manipulate, experiment, represent, problem solve, and make decisions in the block area. The block area is best located in an area of the room where the noise level can be louder and away from traffic, so structures are not disturbed. This area can include wooden, cardboard, or foam blocks as well as small figures and architectural items that will promote creative building. This is where children can learn about sizes and shapes, spatial relationships, and math concepts as well as how to make decisions and solve problems.

Tower of small stacked blocks with child in background.
Figure 8.1. Green and Brown Wooden Blocks / Photo Credit: Marcus Spiske, Pexels License

Dramatic Play: In this area, children’s thoughts become visible through play. According to Roskos, Christie, and Richgels, “children may operate at more advanced cognitive levels than they do in non-pretend situations, including staying on task for extended lengths of time” (as cited in Hatcher, 2005, para. 6). This area provides opportunities for children to pretend and use their imagination, role play, and act out real and imaginary experiences in a playful context. Although housekeeping is a common theme for the dramatic play area, other themes can be explored such as grocery stores, doctor offices, restaurants, and veterinary clinics. Through this type of play, children practice social skills, learn to solve problems, and work cooperatively.

Language and Literacy/Writing Center: Literacy skills are critical in laying the foundation for current and future success in oral and written language. Literacy skills often play a crucial role in learning content in other areas. The space should be well lit with comfortable seating and tables with paper and writing utensils. Puppets and props are also ideal for this area. Many teachers choose to create unique writing centers in literacy areas where children can explore print materials as well as create their own.

Library (quiet corner, books): Library areas support children in a lifelong habit that promotes literacy and an appreciation for the written word. The space should be a comfortable area where children are encouraged to read books. Teachers can create an area that includes a variety of books that support diversity, culture, and life. Literacy and library areas can be next to each other but should be separate because children may prefer not to have distractions when reading alone. Through the literacy and library interest areas in the classroom, children will begin to recognize the connection between spoken language and the written word.

Math (manipulatives): This space can also be referred to as manipulatives. In this area children build knowledge about math concepts such as understanding numbers and number operations (e.g. addition, subtraction, division), shape/spatial relations, and measurement. The ideal location has accessible materials, shelves near tables, and is in a medium traffic area. To promote engagement, rotate toys and keep the area organized. In addition to math manipulatives such as geo blocks, shapes, counting items, dice, and beads, include measurement tools such as graphing paper, scales, calculators, bins of loose parts, counting and matching games, and puzzles. Rotate items, keeping them accessible to children and organized with labeled bins.

Music and Movement: Music and movement helps children synthesize experiences, transition into new activities, calm down, share culture, build self-esteem, and build a sense of community. There are also academic benefits to music and movement such as boosting memory, improving spatial-perception, and cognitive development. When setting up the music and movement area, the location should be away from where quiet activities are located. Also, it is best to reduce clutter so children have space to move. Include a variety of authentic instruments.

Sensory: When children are engaged in sensory related activities, they are:

  • developing questions throughout the sensory experience’
  • investigating by touching, smelling, rubbing, etc.;
  • collecting data through their senses;
  • learning to communicate their findings/experiences;
  • participating in scientific inquiry.

When it comes to the sensory environment there are a few critical elements to think about. Make sure sensory tables are near a sink so children wash their hands before and after interacting with materials in the sensory table. An easy-to-clean floor is best; however, if the floor is not easy to clean, having access to a tarp that can be placed on the floor will also work. Children may have allergies, so carefully consider what to add to the sensory area.

Science: Children are scientists! They are naturally curious and biologically primed to learn about the world around them. They use information they gain through their everyday experiences to develop theories about how the world works. The science area should support “what if” statements, be enticing and inviting, and have adequate workspace. Choose a quiet area of the class that is uninterrupted so children can work and concentrate. This is a good place to include elements such as leaves, sticks, rocks, pinecones, magnets, kaleidoscopes, oil and water bottles, seashells, magnifying glasses, flashlights, and color wands to peak children’s interests.

Selection and Placement of Materials

Setting up the physical environment includes the selection and placement of materials. Materials that are selected for classroom environments need to be developmentally appropriate as well as culturally relevant for the age of children using the classroom (Bullard, 2013; Head Start ECLKC, n.d.; McKee & Friedlander, 2017; NAEYC, 2022). Teachers also need to consider how the materials will be organized and accessed by the children. Read the following tips and keep these in mind when choosing appropriate materials for early learning classrooms.

  • Organizing the materials should take into consideration the developmental level of the children in the classroom.
  • Put materials in appropriate places (art materials in the art center, books in the library) but allow for the crossing of materials during play from one area into another.
  • Provide enough materials for all children to be engaged in the activity.
  • Rotate materials to promote children’s interests.
  • Include personal storage areas (such as cubbies) for both children and teachers.
  • Remove materials that are broken, or worn out, or that  have missing pieces.

Label shelves with print and pictures that indicate where materials are to be placed. This will help children to become more self-sufficient during clean up. It also contributes to literacy development. Some teachers will use color coding of materials to keep organized.

Environmental Aesthetics

When designing a space, creating an attractive and pleasing environment includes thinking about the aesthetics of the space (Carter & Curtis, 2014). When creating an early learning space that will foster learning, inspire creativity, and support social relationships, consider environmental characteristics such as lighting, color, crowding, noise levels, and clutter. Questions you can ask yourself about the environment: Does the space look inviting? Is the area clean? Are the age-appropriate materials at the children’s level free of clutter?

A poorly organized space with too much clutter will prevent a classroom from functioning effectively. One way to assess the level of clutter is to take pictures of the space while standing, sitting in a child chair, and sitting on the floor. If you would not want to show a parent or coworker the photo because the space looks untidy, then there may be an issue with clutter or disorganization.

Overcrowding and noise levels in a classroom add to student and teacher stress and have a negative impact on learning. Sometimes less in a space is best. Fewer items keep children from being overwhelmed by too many choices. Rugs, hanging tapestries, and other noise absorbing items reduce noise levels and distraction. Lighting is something to consider in the physical environment. Ideally, natural light is preferred. Large fluorescent lighting often found in early childhood classrooms can interact with the brain and can cause problems like headaches and irritability. When additional light is needed, lamps, string lights, or similar items can be used. However, placement of such materials must be safe and follow regulations. The director of the program should be able to provide guidance regarding setting up additional lighting.

Children are likely to feel more comfortable in an environment that contains similar elements to those in homes (Obaki, 2017). Soft furnishings, nontoxic plants, natural or soft lighting, decorative touches such as area rugs, family photos of children and staff, and neutral paint colors help to create a space that everyone in the environment can enjoy.

This section addressed the elements of a well-designed indoor environment. The topics addressed in this section included creating a welcoming, inclusive environment based on the children’s developmental levels, room arrangement, materials section, and aesthetics. The next section will be about the outdoor learning environment (OLE).


  1. Figure 8.1: image released under the Pexels License


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